Exercise 1

Complcte the texts below.


The cosmeocs industry uses herbs in the form of .................

oils and .................. oils. Purc .................. oiis are used to

..................the active soiuble principles of...................Infu-

sion ts a process carrted out at..................or..................tem-

petacures. It ptoduces an oil-bascd solution of..................consutu-

ents whrch is later used to make creams and...................There are

rwo types of infusion:..................and..................Essendal oils

are obtained from.....................................and..................

. They are..................oily componcnts found in plants. There arc

..................methods of their extracdon. The most concentrated

form of essential orls is calied ............. b.

According to Chinese mcdicinc it is important to maintam............

......becwten jw andjw«g energy. These two energie* are............

......yet..................forces. Optimal movemcnt of the life......

............qi is possible only when bahnee is..................betwecn

them. The Cłiinese have a lot of spectal beautifying..................

They usc .................. commonly known and used throughout

the..................as well as China-specific ones. The purpose is al-

ways to r.................. balance and h.................. to the organum. The Chinese strongly believe that health is b..................and

beauty ii h..................That is why a person1* appearance always

r..................the person’s health c..................

Exercise 2

Choosc a herb from tbe list of hctbs gśvcn bclow and ptovidc Information on products containing it. Use your knowlcdgc and im-agination as well as the scntence structutes suggested.

ckwer • dandelion • eyebright • gpweng • jojoba • marigold • cvening ptimrosc ■ gingko * saff flowcr • soapwort_

Products containing.........................................................

•    havc a detosifying/balancing/refining effcct on the skin.

•    help to keep the skin vdvety smooth/dear/moist/even-tooed/

/ weil-nourished/healthy/radiant.

•    help to trat acne/pimples/dark spots/pigment spots.

•    pro moce whitening/de-pigmendng/blood ciicubdon/moistcning

Es ample: Products containing radto angellaie daburkae, (commonly known as...) have a dctoxifying and balancing effcct on the skin. That's why I would recommeod to you this facial cram.


Task 1

Piepare a minipitscntation on the use of betbs in tlić cosmeócs industry.

Task 2

Talk about the process in which infused oils atc obtained from plants.

Task 3

- •    ■    > /*    . W..    --J- . >•    «

Talk about the processes in which essential oils are obtained.

Task 4

Talk about creams, what they basically are and how they acquire their different properties.

Task 5

Give a minipresentation on the Chinese approach to health and beauty.


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