
Match Colunin A with Column 13. Usc thc phrascs to completc thc scntcnccs bclow.




1. to follow

a. into a lather

1 to take up

b. usirig smali arcular moaoas

3. to massage

c the skin

4. to start with

d. a spcdal eacrcise regimen

5. to work upwaids

c. your fect

6. to work shower gel

f. swimming

7. to dctoxify

g the trouble arras

1.    I£ I wcrc you,..................

(ęufeswa/abjoH spcęcUt łm^tma)

2.    Why donłt you..................

(ętcąue    itpramaijakttgpi sporta, m pnjklad płjmma)

3.    I adviic you.................v

cbort uttssca ngtlonm)

4.    Wben you massage your Icgs, ałways..................

(ląnjIMj Od i!Óp)

5.    Also, remcmbcr to..................

(abj pręuamł sif ktt girę teałjmi obfęr/Mt mchom)

6.    Bcforc you bcgm your shower massage, pour sonę smali quanbcy

of thc and-ccllulite gel omo your hand and..................

(rotynowĄ ęl na gładką pieni)

7.    You may noc bclicve it but this procedurę will help..................

(tdlruł ikóą)




8. to ger rid of

h. swcadng

9. to inerease •

i. metabolise fat

10. to bum

j. musdc tonę

11. toimprovc

k. cellulite

11 to stiraulate

1. the dumping (of fat

13. to help

m. dte blood arculation

14. to smooth out

n. the eatra fat

1.    I must be honest with you, you cannot..................

akogcther. (pogbjł tą ctllnbiu)

2.    But this ueatmcnt will definitely ................. (ęiathjt tfcgf

llnęęt) and .........................i.......... in a visiblc way.

(zwiększy napięcie mięinij

3.    This novd massage therapy does....................................

(pomaga w pfęutwmt iłiuętfm) and .................................... which accumulatcs in our organism. (spala iodatksnj thuęy

4. In addióon, it....................................in the trouble areas

(pefmmo krąęmt km) and....................................which in

turn helps the body gct ud of toxins. (pobadgąpoame są)

Task 1

Talk about the role of exerdse and diet in combating celhibte.

Task 2

Talk about thc role of self-massage and daily body care in prcver.ting atvd combating cellulite.

Task 3

0 • • • # # •••♦ • Rcproducc thc dialogi*.





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fa    .


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