Match Column A and Column B. Usc thc phtascs to complctc thc scntcncc bcginnings bdow.
A |
B |
toapply |
thc skm smooth to touch |
to USC |
dead ccils from thc cpiilermis |
to accełcratc |
a comprchcnsivc and-ccllubtc crcatmcnt |
to removc |
the skin a hcalthy kiok |
to make |
a set of speciaUy designed cosmebcs |
togivc |
the ucatment consistendy |
to continuc |
thc remowi of super(loous produers of |
mcabolism |
1. The pnncipal rulc is to.......................
Z his cssenttal to .............................
3. It i$ important to .............................
4. The main aim ts to ..........................
5. Anothct aitn «to.............................
6. The point is to................................
7. The ultimate aim is to .......................
Prcpate and givc a miniprcsentation on ccliulite, its hrstory, incidencc, naturę, stages, and tteatment
Ptepare and givc a miniprcsentation on anti-ceUubce cosmetics. Gtvc caampJes.
Ptepare and give a presentabon on dtfTerent anu-celhilite treatments, thc mcchamsm of tłłeir acbon and their effeets.
Iftheeyes are the window ofthe sout, the hands are the keepers oftime
Likc many other old sayings this one speaking about thc cycs and thc hands is also truć. Unfortunatcly, oui hands arc pronc to age fasccr than other paru of thc body. Wc usc our palms, fingers and nails cvcry day. Our hands arc caposcd to soaps, detergents, hcat, cold, waccr and other agents. To minimisc thc hatsh effeas of thcsc clcmcnts we shoukł takc carc of our hands $o that they will not bctiay us.
The holistk approach to thc dient rcprcscntcd by thc Tip-Top Bcauty Studio manifests itsdf not onły in thc werds of advicc gtvcn by bcauty thcrapists. In order to cncouragc clicnu to acccpt and adopt such an approach thc studio offers spccial padcagcs, induding a facial, a body treatment, a manicure and a pedicure. The pricc of thc packagc is attrac-tive, as it is somc 10 per cent łower than thc total cost of cach procedurę taken scparately. Time is sometimes a problem - three hours is a lot for a busy woman. Howevcr, oncc she is pctsuadcd to try, she will, most probably, bkc it and do het best to rcpcat it at rcgular intavals.
Martyna, who spccaUscs in manicure and pedicure, is always up to datc as regards fashionablc colours and shapes. She also has a selccoon of nail polishcs m diffcrent colours and tsps of various shapes, stzes and length. Although it is the dient who decxlcs about the shapc and thc colour of nails, Martyna is always teady to adnsc her dicnts. For ezampłc, she discouragcs her ebents from wcaring vcry long nails as they arc difficult to maintain and also make u hard to do a lot of chings cfficicndy. Lkc most manicunsts, she rccommcnds Iccbng thc frcc edge of nails catcnd but a fcw milbmeters bcyond the fingertip
She is also good at hdping ebenu choosc thc best nail shapc for their
kccpcr - tu: strażnik to be pronc to sth - być podatnym na coś lo be eiposcd to sth - być wystawionym na coś lursh- ostry to bctiay - zdradzać to manifest itsdf in sth - objawiać óę czymś a packagc - pakiet to persuade - perswadować, nakłaniać
as regards sth - jeśli chodzi o coś
sdcction - wybór nail połidi - lakier do paznokci length - długość although - chociaż lo let sb do sth - pozwolić komuś, żeby coś robol edge - brzeg. krawędź to ealend - tu sięgać fingertip - koniec paka to take into account - brać pod uwagę cutide - naskórek u podstawy paznokcia almond-shapcd - w kształcie migdab