Exercise 3

Complctc thc scntcnccs with the words given bclow.


błackhcad* • wnnklc • sizc • rosy • smooth • moisture * pores • Uncs

Normal skin is .................. with no visiblc dry or shiny area.

The ............... are not enlatged and there is a balanccd lcvel

of .................. The skin has evcn .................. cołour with

no .................. or ołher błemishes. There may be a few ony

..................and..................around the cycs. The pores are uniform in...............and barely visiblc. Few peoplc have nomul skin.


eptdcrmis • dogged • visiblc • dead skin cells • shiny • moisture • pil gtands»crupdoos • comedones • pores * wnnkling_

Oiły skin has a..................appearance and open ..................

This type of skin is moce likely to show .................. and other

skin..................Oiły skin u caused by exccssive sccrction of the

.................. situated in the skin. This skin type is less proce to

..................and other signs of aging than other skin types because

thc oil hclps to keep .................. locked in thc ..................

On the other hand, oily complcxions are espccially susceptible to

..................pores and buildup of ..................on thc surface

of thc skin. Pores tend to be large and ckariy..................The skin

teatuie canbe..................and..................


enłargcd • areas • testurc • common • oilincss • combinadon • face • ody • dry__

Combinadon skin is die n»st..................type of skin. It is charactet-

ised by a muc turę of ................................and normal areas.

A person with..................skin has dryness..................around

cycs and neck whiłe..................» found tn the T-zonc. The skin is

oily and the pores are..................in thc cenerc of thc face włule thc

rcst of the..................is dry or normal. The..................of the

skin is usually tłuck.

radiant • wnnkles • finc lino • itritated • oiJ • dry • pores • ddicuc • thin • nght_

Dry and dclkate skin occurs whcn thc..................glands are not

ptoduóng suffident .................. to lubricatc thc skin. It looks

.....................................and oftcn flaky...................are al-

most invmbłc. As the skin ages..................are Iikely to form. There

is also a tendency for the skin to be..................Becausc of dry-

ness..................begin to appear at a young age. There may be poor

..................and..................in the dama! layer. The skin tends

to be..................and non-..................in appcarance.


alkigJC • icddcncd • itching •


• burmng • blotchy •

untated • distended

S€nsiuvc skiu is oftcn................

..................as it is pronc to ....

cold weather and cvcn beauty ptoduets. Exposure to sunlight can pro-

duce redness, rash,..................or...................Sensitnre skin

has a tendency to devclop ..................as well as..................



Task 1    •

Gtve an ora! presemation on how the skin is budt.

Task 2

Presem the funcóons of thc skin and eaplain why the skin can perform tlicse functions.


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