Complctc ihc sentcnccs with thc vcrb Ln brackets in the Past Simple Teuse form.
1. A fnend recommended a massage thcrapist to mc mm; timc ago.
2. I................... to ice him hajMoaday- (g> - i**«t
3. appointmcnt it 5 pm. (bant • - bad - bod)
4. I .................. chat appointmcnt a fcw days in adyaocc.
(iwikt - madę - wadt)
5. Whcn I .................. to thc beauty salon, the teccpbonist to thc massage room.
(com - came - atut; sba» - sbotttd - ibom)
6. The massage..................45 minutes. (taki - took - taktu)
7. The massage therapist..................spccial aromathciapy otls.
8. I..................the massage plcasant and rclawng
(pud-fon ad -jurni)
9. 1..................the salon very tcŁued at 6 pm. (kant - lefl - hf)
10. have sdch massages rcgulariy. (dtmit)
1. 1..................a clicnt, a woman of 40, yesterday.
(bant - bad - bad)
2. Shc..................givmg littlc attentton to her skin. (odmit- n)
3. Shc..................not temember her last visit to a beauty therapist
4. improvc her appearance. (mmi)
5. I..................ha what cosmctks to buy. (adttiu)
6. 1..................her how to take caic of ha skin. (ttii- told -bid)
7. follow my rccommcndatiotu. /promu)
8. When słłc mu Itating the beauty salon, shc..................much
betta and..................much happter. (hak;ftti- felt - jtłt)
1. What clicnt (lid you bart yesterday motning?
2. you utrę
iNg her skin? (su - sam - susi) <.
likc? (bok)
3. What..................her skin
4. from thc dient xbŁQ
you icere asking her quesuons? (fued - fottitd - JonaJ)
5. What cosmettcs..................she ..............? (nst)
6. How and why .................. she .................. thcm?
(cboou - cbose - cbesea)}
7. Why..................she..................gootl care of ha skin?
(tnUake - took - rokta)
8. What ha?
9...................shc..................thcm at your salon?
(bnj - bougbt - b*0gb<)
10................... shc .................. anothcr appointmcnt wilh
(nula - madę - madę)
c. Answct thc qucstions you havc just askcd.
1. I ltad a ncw client, a woman of.................., ytaicrday room:
4 ............................................................................
Complctc thc qucstion» with tlić propcr Past Simplc Tcnsc form of thc verbs in brackets. Thcn ask and answer thcm.,.... any tccnagc clicnts lasLWCCk?
2. sec you?
(ttmt - ca mc - om)
3. How old..................thc gid? (be - ms/teen - beta)
4. Who..................ha to your salon? (stad-seat - seat)
5. her first visit to a beauty thcrapist?
(be - uas ttert - beat)