techniki mediacyjne 1
“With many Polish texts published in the past as wel! as today [...] the translator is faced with tbe task of not oniy being an intermediary, an artist, a writer. In order to perform all these roles, he primarily has to understand the author's ideas, to be able to foilow his linę of thought, to be aware he carsnot misunderstand the originaL”
(Korzeniowska, Kuhiwczak 1994: 132)
Constraints in the translator's work
Target culture norms (Piotrowska 1997: 22)
The translator's toofs (best friends): generał mono- and bi-lingual dictionaries specialised dictionaries: of synonyms and antonyms
slang expressions
encyclopaedias, concordances, fact-books, databases etc.
It is advisable for the translator to invent his/her own system of keeping terminology records and accumulating experience.
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