UpBeat3 Test A{

UpBeat3 Test A{


Student A

1 Write sentences with the past simple passive.

0    The film/make/China.

1    The students/not give/books.

2    Where/the house/build?

3    Who/the director/inspire?

4    The pasta/import/ltaly.

5    How much/the workers/pay?

3 Complete the dialogues with the words or phrases.

The film was madę    in Gh^a,a) think of b) I don’t agree <^you’re right^) can’t stand

«3pw ''f^sppinion

' {O

iiW ł£y\lkji ktochb

lOka UifinrtW Lftk> W

Jake: What c|o yoaO al the Internet, Mo? Mo: 11 A lt’s terrible.

6 The computer/use/at weekends.    /Swy/wW

r u0:

l’m afraid 2 useful tool.

4 si/V

_. In my 3

Jr 4'

s a very

7 The fish/not eat.

_ what you mean. It’s just I can never find exactly what I want.

Jake: Yes, 5 C Ą ! It can be very annoying and confusing.

2 Complete the text with the past simple passive.

B Suzy:

nd) in 2006 by Henry propen) in 2006 and three

Office World 0 was founde Weinstein. The firstsłjiopylj

people 2jui&e ^neirnpioy) to śerve customers. Office World

became successful because its cus free computers and then 4 i^tstfow) how to use them. Coffee and tea Am* ł ,m^p^\nc\me) at first, but after a few weeks they 6VjŚM3PPter). Four morę Stones 7Uetr%m^ć

/ v. *~v i iv .. r >...

(open) in 2007. The company 8 Wdo pounds in 2008.

ue) at two billion

think emails are much Jpętter than letters. What do you 6    2. -

Helen: Yes, 17 o /emails to letters. They’re

so quick /[


Suzy: 8.

Helen: 9 °) , . Ih my 10

, and you don’t have to buy stamps

d) vye won’t have

letters mudh longer.

Score: 78

Score: /10

Total: 725


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