Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 202

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 202

1 Write sentences with the past simple passive.

'as madÄ™ in China.

TR'? an t stand

1 IV li naai

3 Complete the dialogues with the words or phrases.

a)tł*’ , V ' jr ^mo^J^gjnion

2    Where/the house/build?

3    Who/the director/inspire?

4    The pasta/import/ttaly.

5    How much/the workers^pay?

6    The computer/use/at weekends.

7    The fish/not eat.


A Joke: What do you 0 Si the Internet, Mo?

Mo: 11_it. It’s terrible.

_. In my 3_

it’s a very

Score: n

Jake: rmafraid2_

useful tool.

Mo: I 4_what you mean. It’s just I can never

find exactly what I want.

Jake: Yes. 5_! It can be very annoying and


(value) at two bilion

letters much longer.

2 Complete the text with the past simple passive.

Oflice World 0 was founded (found) in 2006 by Henry

Weinstein. The first shop 1_(open) in 2006 and three

people 2_(empioy) to serve customers. Office World

became successful because its customers 3_(give)

free computers and then 4_(show) how to use them.

Coffee and tea 5_(not include) at first, but after a few

weeks they 6_(offer). Four morÄ™ Stores 7_ (open) in 2007. The company 8 pounds in 2008.

Score: /8

a) You're right b) I know c) prefer d) opmion e) think

B Suzy: I think emails are much better than letters. What do you 6_?

Helen: Yes. I 7_emails to letters. They’re

$o quick.

Suzy: 8_, and you don‘t have to buy stamps.

Helen: 9_. In my 10_we won't have

Score: /10]

Total: /25 ]

TEST 7B l Student B

1 Write sentences with the past simple passive.

0 The film/make/China. The film was madÄ™ in China,

1    The children/give/sweets.     .

2    When/the garage/build?     ?

3    Who/your mother/contact? _.?

4    The cake/make/ltaly.     .

5    How long/they/incfude?     ?

6    The library/not use/at weekends. _

7    My phone/steal.    _

I Score: /7

2 Complete the text with the past simple passive.

Shoebiz 0 was founded (found) in 2005 by Veronica Fox.

The first shop 1_(open) in 2006. The shop 2_

(decorate) with gigantic shoes. Shoebiz became successful

because its customers 3_(sell) shoes and then the

shoes 4_(change) for another pair at no extra cost.

Bags and bełts 5_(not sell) at first, but after a few

weeks they 6_(offer). After a cnsis, two Stores

7_(close) in 2007. A new storÄ™ 8_(open) in

Manchester in 2008.

Score: /8

3 Complete the dialogue with the numbered words or phrases.

a) thtokof b) don’t think so c) thafs true d) think so e) use f) opinion

A Jake: What do you 0 a) the Internet, Mo? Do you 1_it?

Mo: Yes. In my 2_it's very useful.

Jake: 13_too. What do you use it for?

Mo: Finding infonmation. Sometimes it’s wrong though.

Jake: Yes, 4_! It’s also a great way to meet


Mo: 15_. I prefer meeting face to face, hke now!

a) I don‘t agree b) l know c) can't stand d) what you mean e) think

B Suzy: I don't think mobile phones are necessary. What do you 6_?

Helen: Pm afraid 7_. My mobile is very important.

Susy: I see 8_, but «t's ternble that people are on

the phone so much.

Helen: 9_. 110_people speaking on the

phone on the train.

Score: /10

Total: /25

Photocopiable © Pearson Education (2009)    203


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