Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 121

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 121


DownlpacLt informa^BZ.

(the InbflW musie ć

downloaoed. in recent years there has been an attempt to protect copyright and stop illegal downloads.

A minor: a minor is someone who is under the age of legaÅ‚ (criminal) responsibility. The age varies, but in the UK a ten-year-old can be held criminally responsible. If not, the parents are held responsible.

tdon’t mina paying for music^ -


1 3.21 Ask Ss to look at the photo and make suggestions as to what crime has been committed (accept any answers). Ss should then read the text in order to find out what the crime was and who committed it.

Grammar Verb with infimtive or gerund Vocabulary Computer language

Why is it a crime?

Answer key

Downloading musie illegally (without paying for it).


2 Establish the names of the people mentioned in the text (Kim Gregory. Lynda Gregory, Matt Rogers). Ask Ss to match the statements with the people who might say them. Point out that some statements may reflect the opinion of morÄ™ than one speaker.

In 2005, an American woman called Lynda Gregory had to pay a fil u.1 of morÄ™ than $7,(KK) tor a crime that she hadn t commilled. In fact, hei daughter Kim was the criminal, bul J.ynda was prosecuted because Kim was only fifteen. Kim

her mothers Computer and 1,400 songs from the Internet. The problem was, she hadn t paid for any of the songs.

‘I    di Ile rent

kinds of musie,’ Kim said, ‘Ali my friends do it - we new hands. There are lots ol websites where you can get free musie. Its so easy I didn t rcalise it was illegal. They told me to delete all my musie files! I dont think it should be a crime but now I know, Tli nevcr do it again.’

Since then there have been other similar fines. As a rcsult.

a lot of people havc

musie illegally.

Other people

They don’t think they are doing anything wrong so ihey

it. Eighteen-year old Man Rogers is one ol them. ‘I

for musie,' he told us, ‘but 1    to it first.

Then I might    it, or 1

mighl not. I’m not the only person - evervonc I know does the same.’

Answer key

2 Lynda Gregory 3 Kim Gregor

4    Kim Gregory, Matt Rogers

5    Kim Gregory 6 Matt Rogers


1    . 23i Read the article. What was the crime? Comprehension

2    Who says or thinks these things? Write the name or names.

1    I committed a crime.'

Kim Gregory

2    â€˜I paid for another person's crime.'

3    My friends download musie, too.’

4    â€˜Downloading musie shouldn’t be a crime.'

5    Tm not going to download musie again.'

6    Tm not going to change the way I get musie.'


3 Do you agree with any of these opinions? Tell the class.

Musicians need money! If w© enjoy their musie, we should pay for it. Georgia, Leeds



think musie on the Internet should be free.

buy the albums if we want to. LukÄ™, Glasgow

3 To introduce this discussion ask Ss to tell you how they buy musie and if they use the Internet to download it. Ask them if they think Matt or Kim is right in their opinions. Ss should then read the three opinions and decide if they agree with them. They should notÄ™ reasons for their opinions before telling the class.


Broadband: high speed Internet access (as opposed to dial up).

To burn (a CD): to copy files onto a CD using a Computer.

Vocabulary: Computer language

4 a Recall Ask Ss to look back at the

illustration to Exercise 1 and to label the numbered parts of the photo. Once you have checked this, ask pairs to make a list of morÄ™ words associated with computers and then to check in the Word bank on page 133.

Answer key

2 screen 3 keyboard 4 laptop 5 mouse 6 memory stick (USB flash drive)_

b Recall Ask Ss to match the sentences and their responses, and to record the letter/number in their notebook. Ss can work individually or in pairs.

Answer key

2f 3g 4a 5b 6h 7c 8e



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