Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 101

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 101


April Fools’ Day: a day

celebrated in many countries, when practical jokes are played on friends. Similar days are celebrated on different dates in other countries.

He told them to buy some socks.


You could use the text from Exercise 1 to create a variation on an exam-like exercise. Before the lessom write mixed collocations from the text on the board in two columns:

1    water

2    practical

3    woollen

4    to mix

5    toplay

6    to be

a)    socks

b)    tricks on each other

c)    overweight

d)    shortage

e)    the powder

f)    jokes

Explain that Ss that should try to match the words to make correct collocations. Do not elicit answers at this point. Tell them they will listen to and read a text in which the collocations are used to see if their answers are correct. Students check their own answers.

Answers: 1 d 2f 3a 4e 5b 6 c


1 2.49 Ask Ss if they know what April Fools’ Day is and explain that the two cartoons illustrate April Fools’ jokes. The Ss can suggest some ideas about the cartoons. then should read the text quickly to answer the guestion.

Answer key

To make water they need to mix the powder with water.

<JSolve it!


Answer key

The professor’s name is ‘Feelgood’.


3 The Ss can work alone to read the text again and answer the guestions.

Grammar Reported requests and commands    Read

Vocabulary Adjective word order    2

1 4« Read the magazine article. Why was the

Chinese article a joke?

ApriJ Fool! T

Iii many countries, Ist April is a day for practical jokes. Friends oftcn play tricks on each other and ncwspapers piitilisli stories a limit things likc stran^e oval spaccships and little green men. Herc are iwo famous ‘April Kool’ jokes rrom ncwspapers.


Water solution

A popular Chinese newspaper explained a new way to solve the national water shortage. The idea was simple - free packets of dehydrated water for every family. The article told for their free packets, and then the powder with water. It was a joke. but lhousands of readers believed u.

Miracle socks

*Fatsox were invented by Protessor F. E. Elgood,' the article said. ‘When you wear them, the fat in your hody will move down into your feet and then out of your feet into the socks. Then you can wash the socks.’

Lots of people believed the article and asked

lo c\iilain

A British newspaper reported an interesting new invention for people who were overweight. It told

unymorc about diet or exercise. Instead, it told    some amazing new

woollen socks, called farsox.

Solve it!

2    Why was the professor’s name part of the fatsox joke?


3    Choose the correct options.

1    The newspaper stories were a) true. b);jokes.

2    The special socks were for people who were

a)    too fat. b) too thin.

3    The professor a) wrote the article.

b)    invented fatsox.

4    The problem in China was a) too much water. b) not enough water.

5    Many people a) were mterested in the powder. b) mixed the powder with water.


Ask Ss to study the table and read it aloud as they do so. Ask Ss Can I say: The article told to buy new socks? (no); Why not? (because the verb must be followed by a direct object). Check they are elear on how to form the negative by giving some examples and asking Ss to report what you said.

T: Turn on the light - Ss: You told us to tum on the light.

T: Don't write - Ss: You told us not to write etc.

alone to report the requests and commands. In feedback ask one S to read the original sentences and another to report it. Use the examples for choraÅ‚ repetition if you wish.

Answer key

2    The teacher told me not to shout.

3    The police officer told the cyclist to stop.

4    I asked James to show me the photos.

5    Emma’s parents told her not to be late home.

6    Sam asked his friend not to tell anyone.

Answer key

5 2.50 Ask Ss to look at the gapped


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