Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 129

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 129


Cyclists have right of way on cycle paths (roads) buÅ‚ not on pavements.


YoiTd better go to hospital.



1    3.31 Ask Ss to look aÅ‚ the

photo and say who they can see and what they think has happened (accept any answers). Ss should then listen to and read the text in order to find out why Ryan needs to go to hospital.

Answer key

He had an accident (tell off his bike) and cut his hand.

Exam link: phrases

Ask Ss to locate the phrases in the text. NotÄ™ the two informal phrases:

/ canY make it: I won’t be on time or able to attend an event

A bit over the top: excessive behaviour or reaction to a situation (in a negative way)


2 Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and complete the sentences according to the text.

Answer key

2    go to the doctohs with him

3    Mia’s leaving party 4 go to hospital 5 his dad 6 Mia’s party

./ Solve it!


Answer key

The bali caused the accident. Perhaps the child ran into the road to get his bali and Ryan swerved on his bicycle.


You could use the expressions from the Exam link: phrases

box to create a variation on an exam-like exercise. Tell Ss to circle the following phrases: Look out! See what you've done. It looks nasty. Ask Ss to imagine that the circled phrases are possible reactions in certain situations. Their task is to work in pairs and describe in Polish contexts in whioh

Grammar shoukj/ought to/had better Vocabulary Injunes and medical treatment Function Ask for and give advice

2 Complete the sentences.

1    Ryan has hurt his hand

2    Polly offers to_.


1 i







Listen and read. Why does Ryan need to go to hospital?

Look out!


See what you've done. My friend's had an accident. You near the road. Are you OK, Ryan?

Yes. I think so. but l've cuf my hand.

Oh yes. it looks nasty. It I were you. I'd go to the doctor. You might need an injection. I’ll come with you.

No. Iet‘s carry on. I don’t want to be late for Mia’s leaving party. O uch!

What’s the matter?

It really hurts when I bend my fmgers.

I think you    to hospital. Perhaps

an ambulance.

No. thafs a bit over the top. Can you cali my dad for me? He can take me. You    to Mia’s party. Tell her l'm

sorry I can’t make it.


Emm link: phruses 1

•    Look out! • See what you've done.

•    It looks nasty. • (a bit) over the top • make it

these expressions might be used. The descriptions should be sirmlar to those in Exercise 9 on page 109. Once they have finished, ask some Ss to read out their ideas, and others to give the correct answer.

Vocabulary: Injuries and medical treatment

4 a Recall Ask Ss to work in pairs to make two lists of words associated with illness/parts of the body and then to check in the Word bank on page 133. If

3    They were on the way to

4    Polly advises him to

5    Ryan wants to speak to _

6    He isrft gomg to go to

Ä™* Solve it!

3 Look at the photo. How did accident happen?

b Extension 3.32 Ask Ss to read through the injuries in the box and decide if they are serious or not. Ss should then listen to and repeat the pronunciation of the phrases. Finally Ss can work individually or in pairs to match the treatments and injuries. Encourage discussion, as there are various possibilities.


Ask Ss to read the examples in the box and to underline the verbs. Ask Ss if they can identify

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Ask Ss should)


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