Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 061

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 061


Los Angeles: Los Angeles, also known as LA, is the largest city m the State of California in the USA.

Disneyland: a popular theme park where children can meet Disney characters and go on related rides. Opened by Walt Disney in 1955.

Oscar ceremonies the

Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, are prizes given to recogmse the excellence of people working in the film industry. They receive a statuette.

Get started

Ss can suggest ideas. If you think your Ss will not know anythmg about Los Angeles, just write LA on the board and ask thern what it stands for. Refer them to the images in their books for ideas. Use the pictures to pre-teach earthÄ™uake.

New words

There are a lot of new words. Ask Ss to find and underline these in the text and try to guess their meaning from context.

Ask pairs to work together to orgamse sonie of the words into categories according to their theme. Possible themes: tourism. geography, the movie industry.


1    1.51 Ask Ss to read the

four sentences and explain that one sentence belongs in each section of an encyclopedia text about Los Angeles. Ss read the text quickly and insert the letters in the gaps provided. Remind them that it is not important to understand every word at this stage.

1 __Ifs a large area in the state of California. on the west

coast of the USA. It includes Hollywood. Beverly Hills and Disneyland. It is. of course. the home of American films, but film-making isn t Los Angeles* only industry. It s also the busiest port in the USA.

2 __Every year LA welcomes about 24 million sightseers.

The touriet troiÅ‚* u.sually includes the famous Hollywood sign. the Chinese Theatre (the place where celebrities leave their hand and footprints in the pavoment) and the Kodak Theatre (the home of the Oscar ceremonies). Tourists can visit Univorsal Studios and see the sets of many famous

films. old and new. Tourists also love the theme parks. and the wonderful beaches.

American cities: Los Angeles gygg;


3 _California is in an earthÄ…uake zonÄ™ and in 1994 there

was a very big earthÄ…uakc in LA. Many huildings. bridges and roads were not strong enough. and they collapsed.

About sixty people died. Scientists predict anothcM-eart hijuake soon.

4 Sometimcs in the autumn California experiences

extremely strong winds. These can spread terrible fires l>ecause the gro u i ul is very dry after the long hot summer.

This happened in 2007 and many people in LA lost their homes.

Answer key

1 c) 2 a) 3 d) 4 b)


2 Ss read the text again, then choose the correct option.


3 1.52 Ask Ss to look at the photos and read the sentences. Explam that they are going to listen to some information about these places and complete the brochure.

Answer key


Answer key

2 1927 3 tour 4 two hundred 5 horses 6 pay 7 six kilometres 8 two and a half thousand 9 cartoon


4 1 A weaker class may need help to

structure their opinions. Ss can refer back to the text. Write l'd like/l wouldn't like to live in LA because_. on the board.

2 Ss choose and complete the sentence according to their opinion. They can then tell a partner or the class.

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