<-<><! Co,U .
,vlrttoa to the Loving God scalę ln ari,t * ' S
thcy found locus of control to V* *dd\t,0n' to the Controlling God scalę nr ,nre aled Inlw.mN (ITO) found ihe l.oying w"it to be positwely correlated wilh aJ,a‘e
Controlling God scalę to be negativelv car related with level of object relations devd opment as measured by the Ego Function Assessment Questionnaire Revised (EFAO RE
Benson. P.. & Spilka, B. (1973). God image as a function of self-esteem and locus control. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 12. 297-310
Subseąuent Research: The Loving and Controlling God Scales have been a consis-tently fertile source for subsequent theoreti-
cal and empirical investigation sińce the i. Gret nnhlished in 1973. The fol-
Brokiw.B.F * pm
lańonship of '\ ^ «*
dcveiopmc j 'c "t <*>KciMAatoat
22- 352-37, — TU,,
scalę was first published in 1973. The fol-lowing is only a representative Ust of re-search studies that have employed this mea-
SUIBowman, E. S.. Coons. P. M.. Jones. R. S.. & Oldstrom M. (1987). Religious psychodynamics in multiple personalities: Sugges.ions for rrearmem. American Journal of Psycha,herapy. 41. 54-.
w,.™, iz r;
Asscssmcm ot reU*,o«> <h»cmo«x Chnsuan chents \ rts^ ,, hImmA hM tor researeh and chncd use and Theolo%\, 22 395 421
Hcnd, B R .. \ l\>n.thuc W 1 Taut ul
influenc es on Cnni inu^cs childitn lc\imę Durkhcim mcuphonc pcaidWlwm i. mruaJ fot iKc Scientifu Study of Rfhtun <4 W* iw
Jollcy. ] C , & laulhcc. S 1 (19Xti> \w\mhj perccplions ol scll and(>od ComparwMi ol |«wmi crs and DOnnill Psycliol Rt 's
Kirkpalnck. 1. A . Al Sha^ci ? H i\99l)
PvHKpatriCK. I JA iA
altachmcM tkMNttcal ipprOidl 10
and itłigkm MM Ptt omHtf mi ^
chology Bulletin, IX, 266 ..
Park. ( 1 ■■ < hen l U i\**\ >
.. ._______:__thf dcath ol a tnc
Uh the death ot •e Therap\ otul Rr\ranh.
and nonreligious copingj* ^ ^ S71
L„ving and Controlling God Scales
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3 3 |
4 4 |
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1 1 |
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4 |
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