5 oossist of one chief of bureau and a board of osaroinere, to con-
6 piat of tbreo merobers, to bc ooro|>oscd of oompetent, sciontific
7 and mechaaical pcrsons, wltose attainments or experieace may
8 qnalify thom for the duty. The rank of the chief of bureau and
9 of tbe board of esamining oflicera to be deterinincd by the PrCB-
10 ident, who may assign officcrs now in servico to thosc duties, or
11 make origirat appomtmcnts. os he may dccm bc3t,
1 Sao. 2. Ił shall bo the duty of the bureau hereby organizod,
2 to exajniue all inrentions, plans and enterprises which may bo of S value in offensivo or defenBire warfaro, and to cause to be test-
4 od, by actual experiment, soch as may requiro it, and are 80 far
5 approved by the President or board of esatoining officers, as to
6 warrant the expenditure for such practical test; and whenever
7 any inyeation, plan or entorpriso shall have boen so csamined
8 or approved, it shall bo the duty of the bureau to proyide for
9 its efhcient application; and for that purposo it shall have power
10 and authority to make all neccssary contracts for the construc-
11 tion or purchase of all necessary deyices, materiale and imple*
12 ments; and it shall bo tho duty of all other departments and bu-
13 reaus to answer all reąuieitions upon them, by the proper offi-
14 cera of the bureau of socrot seryice, when it cau be done with-
15 out serions detrimeDt to other branchee of tbe public seryice;
16 and to employ agenta and experts in like manner as other dcpart-
I *
17 ments and bureaus ef the goyemment; and the forms and regu-