C a r o 1 a D u n n
Sir And rew Graylin arrives at Hacienda del In-glis, I .<>rd Fduardo Danville’s Costa Rican cof-fcc plantation, to be greeted by an explosion of gunfirc. Fduardo’s lovely but irrepressible daughter, Teresa, has shot a snake from beneath Andrew’s feet. Thus begins a relationship that will traverse perilous waters, from the Amer-icas to Fngland, and from the drawing room to danger.
Teresa has grown up in Costa Rica, wild as the lush jungle and the scarlet hibiscus in her hair. Now her exiled aristocrat father decides she inust go to F.ngland and learn to be a lady of the ton. With Sir Andrew as the protector she hardly needs and her studious brother Marco in tow, she encounters sevcral adventures along the way—a bloodthirsty jaguar on the jungle trek to the eoast, a sea captain who refuses to takc a woman on board, and a sinking slaveship with its wretched human cargo trapped below deeks. Meanwhile, Teresa acquires a deadly enemy in the slavcr captain and a tendre for \ndrew, who is unfortunately engaged to marry another of nur travclers, Muriel Parr.
Nonę ol thc»c encounters n iimn |m i |>l< than that w ith Muricl\ mother, I aul\ Parr. w bo attempts to eontorm leresas Itrhasiot to tb< rules oł Society. Once in Fngland, Irnumi Teresas aunt, the Duchess <>( Stafford, ha quite a different interpretation ol ton i\h pn> priety, and discourages the “shahh\ gcnlcd manners taught by Lady Parr. At the le\el ol Society Teresa now oeeupies, an originalit\ lat morę compatible w ith her own naturę is highl\ valued. For, as a member of a noble family, Teresa has risen instantaneously to a social t ank high above that of the Parr’s, and of Andrew as well.
In fact, Graylin is, by her new family s stan-dards, an unsuitable match, a judgment with which he heartily concurs, sińce Teresas obstreperous spirit makes her anything but what he has always considered Ideał. Besides, he is affianced, and honor dictates he must remain so. Nonetheless, their hearts cannot forget the passions sparked by that lirst ex-plosive meeting in the Costa Rican wilds.