font adjust a

font adjust a

Verdana:    .58

xylophone synergy diaphragm partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening or lengthening or resting

Comic Sans MS:    .54

xylophone synergy diaphragm partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening or lengthening or resting

Trebuchet MS:    .53

xytophone synergy diaphragm partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening or lengthening or resting

Georgia:    .5

xylophone synergy diaphragm partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening or lengthening or resting

Myriad Web:    .48

xy1ophone synergy diaphragm partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening or lengthening or resting

Minion Web:    .47

xy)ophone synergy diaphragm partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening or lengthening or resting

Times New Roman: .46

xylophonc synergy diaphragm partially hydrogenated vcgctablc shortening or lengthening or resting

Gili Sans:    .46

xylophone synergy diaphragm partially hydrogenated vegetable shortening or lengthening or resting

Bernhard Modern:    .4

xyloplu>nc synergy diaphragm partially hydrogenated wgcUhlc shortening or lengthening or rceting

Caflisch Script Web: .37

/-ylipliWi    tiiafiiirjAfm f/nwiutUy

<kcrU*ixy er Uj\Ąikexx*d er r*Hu\y

Flemish Script:    .28

ty/f/As-K* ly***yy    Ayt/łsp* *•€/<•/

gyttĆW lAs-ł/smsAyf m    «v


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