gering salta 4

gering salta 4


Abstract Games magazine: gamę strategy articles, gamę reviews, news...

45.j4:h6 b8c7, 46.d6:b8 a7b6,47.c5:a7 e7f6,48.e5:g7 d8e7,49.c3:e5 e9d8, 50.g7:e9 i9h8, 51.e5:g7 f6e5!, 52.g7:i9 f8g7, 53.h6:f8 g5h4, 54.i3:g5 i7h6!, 55.g5:i7 H8:j6, 56.i9h8 elf2, 57.b4c5! e7f6!, 58.c5d6 g9:e7, 59.hl0g9 e7:c5, 60.f8e7 f2g3, 61.e9f8 h2gl, 62.dl0e9 g3h2, 63.jl0i9 h2il,

64.i9hl0 h4g3, 65.j8i9 g3f2, 66.i9j8 f2el, 67.j8i9 i5j4, 68.i9j8 j4i3, 69.j8i9 i3j2, 70.i9j8 b2cl, 71.j8i9 d4e3, 72.i9j8 e3d2, 73.j8i9 b6a5, 74.a7b6 a5b4, 75.i9j8 c7:a5, 76.b6c7 d8:b6, 77.b8a7 b4c3, 78.c9b8 c3b2, 79.c7d8 b2al, 80.b8c7 a5b4. 81.d8c9 e5d4, 82.c9dl0 f6c5, 83.e7f6 h6g5, 84.i7h6 g7:i5, 85.j8i7 d4c3, 86.flSg7 c3b2, 87.e9f8 b2a3, 88.bl0c9 c5d4, 89.c9d8 b6c5, 90.a7b6 d4e3, 91.d8e7 c3f4, 92.fl0c9 e5d4, 93.g9fl0 d4c3, 94.h8g9 c5d4, 95.b6c5 c3b2, 96.c7b8 g5h4, 97.d6c7 h4g3, 98.c7d8 g3h2, 99.d8c9 i5h4, 100.c9bl0 h4g3, 101.g7h8 g3f2, 102.h8i9 j6i5,

103.i9j8 i5h4, 104.f8g7 h4i3, 105.g7h8 f4g3, 106.h8i9 d4e3, 107.i9jl0 b4c3

Red wins by 27 Points!


Alvensleben, Baron von. Wie spielt man Salta: Eine griindliche Anleitung zur Erlemung dieses Brettspiels. nebst den gebrduchlichsten Kampfesweisen und einigen Musterpartien. Ernst, Leipzig 1901.

Bell, R.C. Board and Table Games from Many Cmlizations. Dover Publications, New York, Vol.

II, 1969.

Grupp, C.D. Taktikspiele ans aller Welt: Eine Einfuhrung in die spannendsten Spiele ohne Karten und Wiirfel. ASS Verlag, Leinfelden, 1974.

Hirte, W. Unsere Spiele. Verlag fur die Frau Leipzig (DDR), 1971.

Muller, R.F. Danie: Duell mit flachen Steinen. Econ, Dusseldorf, 1988.

Scherer, K. Gamę: Salta. Zillions Developemt Corp., Boulder Crcek, 1998-2000. (

Schmittbcrger, R.W. Ne*v Rules for Classic Games. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1992. Schubert. H. Salta, das neue Brettspiel. Grethlein & Co., Leipzig 1899 (Ist edition) / 1908 (2nd edition). - Salta und Salta-Solo (Miniaturbibliothek Nr. 382). Verlag fur Kunst und Wisscnschaft. Lepzig 1902.

Ralf Gering graduated from Tiibingen University. Germany, in 1999 with an MA in Cultural Studies and Religious Studies, and is now doing research in medical sociology and large communal societies. His hobhies are abstract board games. hiking, the Internet and cooking. - Ed. | top of page

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