The Consonant Declension, aka Third Declension
Consonant declension II. Contractions and other problems
in -ri s |
ntrs in -o$ |
and -a$ |
adj.s with |
-es stem |
adj.s with |
-u stem | ||
contr.: |
-es (masc) |
-es (ntr) |
-as (ntr) |
m/f |
n |
m |
f |
n | |
to yevo$ to yepaę |
aXr|0ps |
aAr]0E$ |
ó£us |
ó^sTa |
ó£u | |
gen. |
ZcoKpćrrouę |
yevouę |
ydpcoę |
aArjSoug |
aXr|0oOs |
ó^eos |
ó^Eiag |
ó£eos |
dat. |
ZcoKpÓTEi |
yevEi |
yspą |
ćcAtiBeT |
aXr|0£T |
ó£eT |
ó^Eią |
ó^eT |
acc. |
ZcoKpćrrri |
yevo5 |
yepas |
aXri0p |
aXr|0£5 |
ó£uv |
ó£eTcxv |
ó£u |
voc. |
ZcÓKpaTeę |
= nom. |
= nom. |
aAr]0£5 |
= nom. |
ó^u |
= nom. |
=nom. | |
yevri |
yspa |
aXr|0ETs |
ćxXr|0fi |
ó^eis |
ó^sTai |
ó£sa | |
gen. |
yevćóv |
y£pćov |
dAr]0ćdv |
aXr|0ćdv |
óęścov |
óĘeigjv |
ó£ecov | |
dat. |
yEveai(v) |
y£paai(v) |
aXr|0Eai(v) |
aXr|0£ai(v) |
óĘdai(v) |
ó^siaig |
ó£ćai(v) | |
acc. |
y£vr| |
yspa |
aAr|0£Tę |
aXr|0'n |
ó^Elę |
ó^Eias |
ó^śa |
stems with l, u, eu, au with metathesis stems in u without metathesis |
f] TTÓXl5 |
Ó TTfjXU5 |
ó (SaaiAsus |
r\ vaus |
6 ix6dę |
ó, f\ (3oOę |
ń ypatfs |
ó Zeus |
gen. |
ttóXecgs |
Tipyecoę |
aoTEcoę |
j3aoiXEco5 |
iX0do$ |
(3oós |
ypaós |
Aióę |
dat. |
ttóXei |
-rrriyei |
aCTEl |
(3c(giXeT |
VT]t |
iX0dr |
Pot |
ypaf |
Au |
acc. |
7TÓXlV |
nfjyw |
aoTU |
(3aaiXEa |
vauv |
iX0dv |
(3oOv |
ypauv |
A (a |
voc. |
Trnxu |
aoTu |
(3aaiXEU |
vau |
iX0U |
(3oO |
ypau |
Zeu | |
ttóXeis |
TrfixeiS |
aOTTl |
P>aaiXf]5/-ETę |
1 vfj£ę |
iX0UES |
(3óe5 |
ypdss | |
gen. |
ttóXecgv |
TTTS|Xecov |
aoTEcoy |
(3aaiXEcov |
iX0dcov |
(3oćov |
ypaćdv | |
dat. |
TTÓXeOI(v) |
urix^i(v) |
aoTEai(v) |
(3aaiXEuai(v) |
vauai'(v) |
iX0dai(v) |
(3ouai(v) |
ypaua((v) | |
acc. |
ttóXeis |
Ti"nxEls |
doTT| |
(3aaiXśas |
vauę |
(X0Oę |
(3ous |
ypaug |
^aoiAeTę is used as nom. and acc. after the 5th C.
Notę on accentuation: Accents are persistent, with two main exceptions:
1) monosyllables (e.g., icAcby, XE^P* &Aę, (3ou$, ypccuę, Zevię) are accented on the ultima in the gen. and dat.;
2) if the is -Ecoę, the accent of the falls on the same syllable as in the sg., e.g. TróAecoę - ttóAecov.