The brutal face of warfare has been dramatically altered. Armored giants now roam the explosive fields of battle— massive Instruments of devastatioh wlth Computer minds inseparably Iłnked wlth the brainwaves of their human mastera. They are the Warbots. i^en and machlnes combined to cre?te the most lethal warriors In the hlstory j>f armed conflict.
But a monstrous challenge emerges for the mechanlcal / gladiatora emanating from a country technołogy forgot. As Captain Curt Carson leads his robot łnfantry In a daring at* tempt to rescue 105 hostage Americans from the sadistic dutches of a bloodthiraty terrorist army. the sołdiera of to-morrow face the butchera of yesterday in a battle for the futurę of the free world!
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