Hi story of European integration

V. 1948 - the Hague - European Congress - Council of Europę has been established (1949 -London - 10 member States signed oiganizations’ statute);

1948-51 - European Recovery Plan: 13,5 bln USD for reconstrucńon of European countries' economies; governing and distribution body - Organizańon for European Economic Cooperation;

18. IV. 1951 - Paris Treaty: European Coal and Steel Community (Belgium, France. Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Italy);

1957 - treaties of Romę - European Economic Community. European Atomie Energy Community;

1965/1966 - Luxembourg crises and compromise - limits for use of ąualified majoriiy voting, bringing back unani mi ty voting;

1965 - Merger treaty - combines institutions into a single set;

1970 - Budget treaty - introducing Communities' own resources, some budgetary powers for EP;

1972 - Act of Accession - Denmark Ireland and UK from 1973;

1975 - Budget treaty - morę powers to EP, creating new Court of Audi tors;

1978 - treaty revision - direct election to EP starting from 1979;

1980 - Act of Accession - G reece (1981);

1985    - Act of Accession - Portugal, Spain (1986);

1986    - Single European Act - morę OM V in Council, new powers for EP. Court of First Instance was created, new policies;

1992 - Treaty on the EU - three-pillar structure of the EU; common foreign and security policy, justice and hotne affairs, morę QMV, European Council instutionalization process, Committee of Regions, new poUcies, introducing subsidiarity and citizenship, social protocol (UK opt-out);

1994 - Act of Accession - Sweden, Austria, Finland;

1997 - treaty of Amsterdam - morę legislańve powers to EP; introduces "flexibility procedurę"; introduces Schengen, justice and home affairs withoui policies conceming immigration, asylum and free movement of persons, which were moved to first pillar;

2001 - treaty of Nice - preparing the EU institutions and decision-making strucmre for futurę enlargement;

2003    - Act of Accession - Cypms, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta. Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia (2004);

2004    - Constitutional Treaty;

2005    - Act of Accession - Bułgaria and Romania (2007);

2007 - Treaty of Lisbon - entered into force in Dec. 2009;


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