Ą= lntective Stage A= Diagnostic Stage
A Humans and rodents are fS ^ infected when they ingest
cyslicercotd-mfected arthropods
Cysticercokl develops in
Embryonated egg ingested by humans from contaminated food. water. or hands
Egg ingested by insect
Embryonated egg
©Onoosphere hatches Cysticercołd devclops in intestinal vilius
g Autoinfection can occur i( V fff § O °99s fomain in the intestinc.
* Tho eggs then rełcase tho Scolex hexacanlh embryo. which \
penetrates tho intestinal villus continuing the cycle.
Adult in ileal _ portionof Q smali intestme
O Eggs can be released through the genitai atnum ol the grav»d pfoglotttds Gravid proglottids can also disintegrate rełeasmg eggs that are passed in stoołs.