How does each moue? How does each eat?
i- i
Buttenlies and moths are all adult insects.
After the adults haue matea ihe femaie iays ner eggs.
■i Colcur in the snapes with the dots to find out what hatches from the eca.
■5 Look at the pictures below carefully.
Make a list of the differences between the adult butterrly and the Caterpillar. There are sorne hints below.
Are their heads the same? Which one has biting jaws?
Did you know that if a human baby grew at the same ratę as a Caterpillar, it would weign 8 tons in a week!
The Caterpillar eats and eats. moulting its skin as it grows. When it has stored enougn food in its body the Caterpillar will find a quiet place and change into a pupa.
* Tracę these pieces and cut them out.
Make the jigsaw to show the life cycle of the swallowtail. ■
Classifying Characterizing Comparing/Contrasiing Predicting %
Organizing Information Drawing Conclusions Making inferences Summarizina
By Carolyn Brush and Judie Haynes