Aetirity is the nieans of koepiug the heart in trim. but it need not bo strenuous umil strength has beeu gained uccordingly. Exereising the body dnes not <levelop museles direetly; bodily movements inerease the output of blond front the heart. and the part# nłfected by exercise receire a faster supply of blood.
The museles miist receire a eon sta nt supply of elean blond lielore they oan adequately resnoitd to tii<» eommumls nom the brain. Exercise ensures this. but there is nn additional faetnr that conies into this wonderful selieme of bodily media nism. The liealthy bloo<l that is puuipcd front the heart returns ria the veins in a dopieted state. with its oxygen eoittent expended. To put baek oxygen into the blood streatn we must breathe, therefore it is obrious why we get out of breatli when we conimeme exereising. Deep brenthing is an t>xe'rcise in itself— the finest of all excrcises. in faet. When the lungs are expended to thoir utmost estent. the system reeeires a maximum ainount of osygen. and eonseąuently is able to perform at its very best.
It is a good polioy to indulge in sonie deep brenthing before ta king part in any sport or gamę. A good lungful of fresh air will start you off as fresh as pa i lit and keep you going until your seeond wind eomes along. Exerciso your lungs by taking a deep breatli and holding it. Do not go blue in the face over the process, but breatli contro! is n liscful asset and conśtant practice will liring benefieiul results. Froui the air we breathe to our fullest eapacity; to the elean. liealthy and regular flow of blood that renohes throughout our bodies; and the ninseiilar system gots the maxinuun benefit.
I have often łieeil asked: "Are there any speeial sec ret s as to lmw to exorcise.” Most certainly there are. They need not be called seeret. yet so lew ]>eople know them all. that it is worth your while to kuow speeial tips that may mean all the dilference between part success and eomplete success in building up your museles. First and foremost. a lot depends on the Iranie of mind you are in. Don’t do any a dossen times in a nieelianienl slip sliod wny. Better do it six times w i tli your mind eoneentrating on it. For that reason I adroeate doiug your daily exereises in prirate in your own bedroom first thing in the inoruing or last thing at night. A mirror is a great help. You ean see yourself and see if your positions look right. The bigger the mirror the better.
If the wenther is warin, do your exercises nnked: but if it isn’t warni, keep something on just to prcrenl yourself gotting so eold that you don't get any enjnynient out of your work. You see, if you are eold, the blood will not eonie so readily to the snrfnce of the skin. nor flow so rendily to the museles. So I always advoeate keeping wami.
Batlis are important. Tnke a c leansing wnrm butli as regular as you ean. but don't " stew ” in it. lt's a good thing. too. to have a eold splasli after the warin batli. then a brisk rub down. But best of all. is the eold liatli and the cpiick rub after your moniiiig’s esercise. If you can't get a sliower or a batli. a eold sponge down is nearly as good.
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