19928 ss 012

19928 ss 012

HOW MODERN STRONG MEN BUILD UP TH El R MUSCLES (eontinuodl thnt have tho appearanee of smali fish, log ones that do tho big work ol lifting, wnlking, strikiug, stpieozing. beuding and strelohiiig. kioking. and so on.

These ni u.sol es aro the ones that show.

But tliere aro soorcs of othor tiny musoles—littlo follnws for moviug tho tongue, tho fingers, tlie lips, t!i<- toes. They, too. aro important, hut tliey are so roustantly in uso that they aro exoroised and marle strong and lit day nfter day and liour aftcr hour.

I oannot tell yon ahont nil tbose tiny unos, lnu I want to run nvor tho body willi you and expbiin rnuglily whieh of tho musoles do oertnin work and how you oan learn to know and name them.

First of nil, just loofc at your harc ann. Tn thnt unii yon ha w many imisolos thnt aro sheuthed undor the skin, and aro attm hod tu tho honos by temlons and leaders.

Tliere are two groups: Flcxors—for beuding; Kstensors—for stretehiug.

Tho hig nmsele in front of tho upper ann is tlie Birops- you all know it. The hioops honda tho ann at tho elhow and comos into uso lor lifting crerytliing thnt you tako up with your hands, 1‘rom n post ago stamp or a pin to a 5Glh. weiglit.

At the baok of tho arm. the Trieops. Stretoh ahove tho hoad and the trieops does the work.

In tho forearm aro long. strong musefcs with hig nanieś, liko Kiipinntor Longus and tlie Floxor Oarpi Knclinlis—nuisel.es thnt aro u sod wlion tho loroarni tur lis or hemls tho wrist or grips any ohjeet.

Tho arm musoles. therofore, aro most important, and wlion eXoroising them it is good to oonoentrate and think of them as you hring them into play. A good mighty arm is a grand possession for a strong mnn.

Now look at your shoulders.

The big ones on top aro tlu* Deltoids. They lift tho wliolo arm and tum it. Behirnl and noross tho lmok lies tho Trnpezius. while tho hig miiscle that runs down the sido from undor the arm is oallcd tho Latissimus Dorsi.

Aoross tho ohest aro tho Peotoralis Major musoles. and hetweon your rihs are tho Serrntus .Magnus and Tntereostals.

In front lies that hig. strong inusolo. the Keetus Ahdinninis. It is hard and ligid and tho stronger it is tlie lieitor you aro nhlo to withstand a hlow to tho stomaoh. Tn fart. minę aro so woli dovoloped there that you oan punoh and thump at them as hard as you like and only hurt your knuokles!

Tho jog musoles that aro most ohvious and aro most uscful to a footliallor aro tho Vastus Kxtornus fontside) and tho Yastus Internus (insido). They nro <ni the front of the thiglis. Behirnl are tho Biceps of tho thigh. for hending up the log in tho same way as you hond your arm.

Tho oalf niusolo is ealled the Clastrocnemius. and in front is the Tibialis Anticns.

^ our hai k, of oourso. is a mass of smali, strong musoles. tlu* most important boing tho spinał mnsclos—the Lumbar Fascia.

Finally, your neek. Tum your hoad and you will fi ml a hard one at tho sido ot the noek. It is the Sterno-oleido Mastoid. an<l with its othor ones liolps in all hoad-turning and rolling mooeinents.

Pag* T.nlrr


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