Stiffnos.s snmetimcs worries fellows wlio are not aecustoniod to exercise, That’s notliing to get u psot nbont. lt\s awkwnrd at the timo, but soon passos. You ca u help it away by a hot liath, followed 1>y massaging the nnisoles witli Oliee Oil or Kmhrocntion.
FOOD WITHOUT FADS. What to Eat—and Why!
Tlierc's a lot of guli' tal kod aliout food. Doirt eat this; doirt eat that. Yitamins. protoins. cnlories. Woli. tlu* urerage f cl Iow doesu*t earo a lioot a bont these. but wlion ,vouTv training for Strength and " Rody Ruildiug " and rrying to got to the top of your form. you want to know what foods suit you for the particular lino you‘re training for. To begin with. it\s protty safe to ob*erve rules. Rat tlu* food you like. Take rcgular meais. Drink lots of water. Chew your grub well. Don’t over-eat.
Meat. -ThereY no lmrin in cating bcef. so long ns it\s wcll ehewed. Tu. wintcr you can a fiord to take a little moro fatty meat to give you beat and encrgy. The following aro nil ritjbt in moderation: Roast heef, stewed hecf, nnitton. pork. undordone steaks. kidney. liver. bacon.
Vegetables. For spring and sumnier take plenty of yegetahlcs. Salads are pnrtirnlarly good. lettuee tip-top.
Liquids,—Drink three glasses of water a dny between meais. “Wralc tea and milce are O.Tv. perhaus onee a dav. AetuaUy tliey are stimulants, but to drop them won*t neconiplisli wonders. By far mul away the bosi drink is milk.
Fruit.—Kat all the fruit you ean get—apples. bannnas. ornngcs. One a day will work wonders in keeping your blood clean and your digestion in good order.
Summing up. you ean safely eat anything tlinl you know agrees witli you. Rat one good meal a day to give you strength. beat, energy. and. if you can. make your brcnkfast a fruit meal and your supper a light one.
T advise you to get to bed ever,v night at nbout the same timo. and as far as you ean mannge it. not Inter tlian 11 p.m. Your work will diotate to you wben you nmst riso. hut you must try to get at lonst eight bours sound sleep. Sleep and rest are both of vital importanee. Do not bury your hen cl under the elothes. Do not lie on your haek witli your mouth open. Lic on your side so tbar you brentlie ensily. and lie in a wny that does not liare your body twisted into all slinues. Lot your limbs be relnxed. Lastly, do not liave too hcnvy bed-clotlies. and always have your w indów partly open.
The Apollon Body-Building and Fitness Exercises given in this book are to ho eomhined witli the Apollon Bar Bcnding System of Exercises. I adrise that tlu* pupil perfornis tbe ” Fitness *’ Kxereises first thing in the morning wlien tbe strunach is cmpty; tliey sliould take ten niinutes or so to go tbrough them. Manv punils fincl it morę eonrenient to pcrform tlieso exercises at night. followed bv the Bar Bending System. Whicli ever way you cboose to enrry out tlie esereises you will got erptally good results.
W hen measnring your museles nse a tape mensnrc and always tako tbe si/.e witli the taue firm to tbe nakcrl l>ody. Don*t squeeze it too but doirt lot it slnek so that you eheat yoursolf.
Knioss in all things sliould be aroided. CiiItiYnte moderation in all tliings. whether they ho oxereise. eating. drinking. jollifieation, or rest.
[Copyright.—Apollon. all riglils t*eserved. ]
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