Tendon Strength.
Xow on tli i s (jiiestion of stręngth it miist not be thought that only the big and brawny are possessed of this vnluablo quality. A great denl rests in ilu* qucstinn of tondon stręngth. I harc kilów u men, smali ni sinture, beat others stones lu*uvier and inelios taller sololy on account of superior tondon power. One of my ptipils. for e\niuple. Harry Barlow, of Hndelirłe t .Manchester». at only *st. Imdy-weight, holds the world‘s record on the Two llands Dead Lift (otficinl) of 441',-Hi. Whon you realise tliai Barlow lift od within 6$lb. of four tiuies his own hody-weight you ca u gra«p the inagnitude of this ainassing fent.
Yot a uain. nnothcr pupil, L. A. Chappoll, of Leeds, now ono of the stron gest men in tlie world. has liftod offieially f>0*21h. Bight Hand Dead Lift and a Beetungulur Lis of lóOtlh.—hotli World’s Heavy-weight reeords. He perfonned feats at under 12st. hody-weight.
1 hnve alwnys madę a speeial stndy ot' the tendons. and from my own experiem*e and tli<* oxperit*nces of hundrcds c»f athletes, deeided loug ago that a system of physioal e.sereise. to he sueeessful. had to eoneentrato on strengthening the tłMidons as weII as developing the musrles. Therefore, don’t despair if your Iranie i.s smali. Iii ninety-nine mses out of a hu ml rod you possess tnę materiał on whieh to huild a physiąue woli ahove the arerage.
It is a verv important point in taking up physir-al rulture, aml in following a seientifie eourse of training, that you should know the museles of your body and how they work.
Oli the Apollon Chart you will see two diugrains. ICrery musele is not nan.ed. as to do that would recpiiro a very largo spaee. But the important musi les are indieated. and a stuijy of them will equip vou with a knowledge of your on ii body that will ulways stand you in gond steacl.
Half of the Body Weight is Musele.
Om* of the tir>t things whieh almost *• llubbergasted " me whon f rontured out in study this most fascinating suhjeet. was to learn that there are altogether óO)l odd museles in the human hody. I siippose I shonhl liuve been taught this • it '« hool—I fear I was nut : aml if I nas, I mit surę I had forgotten it. aioiig with many anotlior snob tael whieh we are so oager to grasp Inter in lite.
These.łfHi museles lorm the *• lenn ” flesh of the huninu l»ody and. astonishing as it mny seoni. the aggregate weight of them should constitute in the nrorage lienlthy mdividiml fully half of the haman body weight. Kenlise that! The ari-rugo fellow óO per rent. musele. Wliat grouiids are tliere to Iniild on.
Aml ihnt. mind you. is iieeeptiug ligures whieh may he short of the artunl nmnijer aml uwrage weight of human musele, and cortninly not in exeess. Kor instaiiee. u u aiiiioiineemeut that in insert liii* the musele system is as imrieate au'1 delieati* as in nny of the ltigher nnimals. an<l the raso of ihe Caterpillar is e:ted as nu e.\amp|e. Miemseopieal researoh has shown that this type of insoet h is as many as l.iNNi museles fiinetioning iu its body. But we are not eaterpillars. tbank goodness, and lot it sutliee for us to interest ourselves in the -~>lMi or so museles whieh we hmnans possoss
How the Museles Work.
Our museles are of vnrinii* slnipes and sonie tlał and ring-shnpod, sonie spnnile-shaped, sonie fnn-slmped. sóiuo that look like little feathers, and sonie
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