25115 TME1

25115 TME1

entendmg h.s natural Wespnn

stage hypnotist and clashed with Smder-Man. He recently servcd as a field agent for the Weapon X program in exchange for treatments that augmented his hypnotic abilities. His powers let him cntrance crowds into doing anything he wished. putting Mesmero’s nnnd-control abilities in the same class as PROFESSOR X. Mesmero hclped hide the locations ofWeapon X installations, but lns superiors abandoned him when his power levels dipped after the death of his mother.

Mesmero was one of the mutants who saw their abilities stripped by the ScARurrWrrcH during the Deeimation cvcnt.Without his hypnotism. Mesmero finally forged a relationship with a woman that didn't rely on trickcry. Hc has rededicated hirnself to starting a ncw lifc as an ordinary human. DW



Vmcent (fuli name unrevealed)


Professional cnmmal



FIRST APPEARANCE Joumey inlo Mystary *96 (September 19631 REAL NAME M«rlm

OCCUPATION Wi/nrd BASE Bnti*h Istos HEIGMT 6 fi WEIGHT 210 Ibs EYES Cray HAIR Gray-wbite SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Abio to predcl the futur*. wetts vasl magical powers. has incredibie powers m h* as trał form. the oxtoni of which aro unknown

For a time. thc wizard Merlin guided thc dcstiny of thc British Islcs.

I Ic could fort*tell what Fatc had in storę. help it along. or evcn stave it otF, for a time.

Merlin enabled the hirth of King Arthur Plndkagon, led him to the throne and advised him. He also brought the Black Knic.iii to Camelot to foil the plots ofMoRDRto and Morgan ll-Fay and prolong Arthur's reign. Sadly. destiny cannot be put ołf forever and eventuaUy Arthur s reign ended.What happened to Merlin is unknown. A


FIRST APPEARANCE Blach Kn^ht *1 (May 1955)


OCCUPATION Sorcerer guankan of the moltrverse


SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Almost unlimited commend of

sorcerous energie* a*OW him to perform nnumerous feets mckichng

The son of a demon who seduced a mortal woman, Merlyn may or may not be thc sorccrer who aided King Arthur Plndkagon during thc rise of Camelot. Eventually, Merlyn returned to his “star-home” in the interdimensional realni called Otherworld.With his daughter Koma. he crcatcd the Caitain Britain Corps to safeguard all the parallel Earths of the multiversc. Though he has appeared to perish many times, ceding authority of Otherworld first to Koma and later to Brian Braddoek. Merlyn is a master manipulator, and it is uncertain whether his last demisc was genuinc. TB


Mesmero started out as a party hypnotist, using lus mutant powers to comince guests to surrender their wiluablcs. I le branchcd out into supervillainy when thc Macminesmi m reeruited him to lead the idbotic “I Jcmi-Men” alongside a robot dupłicare of Mac.nl ro. Mesmero. who didn’t rcałize that his comradcs werc robots, hypnotized Poiakis into becoming his partner umil the X-Men crushed the Machinesmiths plot.

Mesmero later found work as a


FIRST APPEARANCE i un.shor Vol 2 #4 (November 1987) REAL NAME Linu* Doberman OCCUPATION Mecbaruc. Computer hacker. mventor BASE New Jersey HEIGHT 5 ft 8 in WEIGHT 220 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Brown

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES No superhuman abJitwe; fughly skiueo Computer hacker; weapon* engmeer.

A form er weapons engineer. Linus Lieberman became the Punishers sidekick. putting his skills to work building the Punishers arsenał. Calling hirnself Microchip. he became a elose friend and

HEIOHT 5 ft 10 in WEIGHT 180 IbS EYES Red HAIR Green


X-Men Vol. 1 *49 (Octoóer 1968)

Mutant powers of hypnotism a#ow him to tako oonfrol of othors. Mesmero does th«s by making oye contact . His powors can Induca arnnosia. ptA memohes into o yfctim^ hetki or «ven change Iheir personaWy

confidante of the Punisher. Beeause he was the Punishers assistant on many missions and the brains behind a number of the Punishers operations. Microchip became a target of the Punishers encmics.Thc most powertul of these enemies was thc Kingpin. who had Microchip kidnapped and held prisoner. then cut off his finger and sent it to the Punisher in the mail. Microchip was finally killed by Suddcn Death, a rogue SHIELD agent. MT


Mosmero. włio know    '

that ho was a supremefy    >

powerU mutant, was also { an nsufferabta ogoosi

SkilUJ in sirategy, Microehip often pfonnrJ the Punisher'! missions.


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