Tablc 6
Cenirifugc Charactcristics
Adpantages Disadimiagcs
ik |
High 16000-60000^ forccs |
Low throughput |
cli |
Low denaluration effect |
Batch |
id |
Can be locatcd in constam |
Low solids capactty, manualły |
temperaturo 'chambcr |
rcmoved | |
Itration |
Low denaluration e/Fect |
Low g forte (to 3500g) |
ans |
Constam temperaturę operation |
Batch |
(bowl coolmg) |
Manuał solids rcmowal | |
fungi |
High (hroufhputt/machinc |
Low jf forte (to 4000g) |
Continuous solids dischargc |
Wet solids | |
High solids loading tn fadstream |
Foaming of solids at dischargc | |
High liquid throughpuls |
Feed must havc high solids | |
High solids ca padły (to 5% v/v |
content (above 2%) | |
m feed) |
Poor dewalcring | |
Modcratc g forcc (8000g) |
Prccipitatc denaturation | |
Endosed centrale dischargc |
may occur | |
High ltqutd throughput |
Low solids throughput |