Tubie 6
Centnfugc Characlcnsdc*
Pilot and la bora tory acak Mparatiom of cdls ocli debra, noctcic aad and proton prectpiutes
Pobshtng brodu after filtration
Recovtr> of blood protems of filamcntous fungi from broths
Rccovcr> of gluten
Ycast sepa radon
Baclcna separanon Abovc O Spm ccii debris Kpa radon
High 16000-40000* forcei Low dc futura li on effad Can be locatad in contiant tempcraiurt cham ber
1 ou denat u radon cftect Comunt tempcraiurt opęta (bod oooling)
High throughpuu/machmc Conti nuous solids duchargc High tobds loadmg in faedstream
High ltquid throughptils High solidi capaaty (to 5Hl
in feed) ____ J
Modemie jt forte (8000*) Endoied centrale dicchargc
High liquid Ihroughpul
High g force (lo 15000*1
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