A Bułlerfly Cakc i*. alry and lighl,
Iccd with coconut — its a lovcly siglit! l ot a luncheon 01 ł»ri<l^»«? or for łhc kiils »exl door, Uełłfer make Iwo - they'11 be askiog for morel
3. Tto BaW« AngrJ FUU Cocom* >*lk>w 4a<ł llrt/t «W Uiltrtfly. SBc* gumdropi. **•**"*» rtrlpa aod ticuric* (o »eaUc? ovrr wingł and lody foc aufktap. Słrtp# ol Ho^łct* m«W tH* cnilrd anfomu.