jsc0 ss karpaty 301

jsc0 ss karpaty 301

cxccss on the joint of sides 9 and 10, Glue deck 11 on Ihc hull. GIijc forecastle deck 12 on part 3. Bond thegangways downwards and gluc to deck 11. Gluc poop deck 13 on parts 5, bend the gangways downwards and gluc to deck 11. 14-24 Bridge house. Bend the tabsof walk 14. 15 and gluc them to deck 11 and sides 9. Gluc deck 16 on walls 9. Gluc walk 17, 18 on tlić deck. Gluc deck 19 on thesc walls. Asscmblc walls 20 and gluc on deck 19. Glue walls 21 to deck 19 and to the inner side of the sides. Gluc deck 22 on tlić walk. Gluc railings (parts of dctnils 9) around the wings of ihis deck. nend the gangways downwards and glue to deck 19. Asscmblc wheclhouse23 and gluc on deck 22. Glue wali 24 from Ihc bow to the bridge liouse. Gluc il by mcans of the tabs to the upper parts of 9 and glue the railings around upper part of the whcclhousc.

25-36 Poop. Bend wali 25 according to the shape on deck 13, asscmblc and gluc in marked posilion. Glue deck 26 on the wali and skylight 27 on tlić deck. Gluc llaps 28 on the skylight. Roli funncl 29 and glue the tuhe by ineans of lab 30. Glue part 31 from below insidc the funncl. Gluc hood 32 on the funncl and place rcady funncl on deck 26. Asscmblc deekhouse walls 33 and glue on deck 13. Asscmblc deck 34 om of two layers and gluc on the walls. Asscmblc part 35 out of four layers and glue on deck 13 in front of deckhouse 33. Gluc covcr 36 on part 35.

37-40 Pumping station. Asscmblc walls 37 and glue on deck 11. Cilue roof 38 on the walls. Gluc parts 39 to fonu frames and glue them on the stationłs mol. Gluc folded in halfroofs 40 on parts 39.

41-62 Cal-walk [ind equipment of the mnin deck. Asscmblc hatch 41 and gluc on deck 11. Asscmblc covcr 42 out of two layers and gluc il on the halch. Gluc part 43 on deck 11 at the forecastle wali. Glue part 44 as a tubo, close the tnps with dises 45 gluc pairs of supports 46 to the dises and place rcady winch on deck 11 bchind hatch 4), Close tubes 47 with dises 48 and gluc to supports 46 (Fig, I). Gluc parts 49 as rectangular frames and fasten them on deck 11. Gluc pairs of parts 50 and 51 on parts 49. Asscmblc supports 52 out of Iwo layers and gluc them vertically on deck 11 bctwcen the bridge house [md the poop where marked with lines. Gluc pairs of platforms 53 and 54 on supports 52. Platform 53 connects the poop and the pumping śtation and platform 54 the bridge house and the station. Gluc supports 55 on deck 11 bctwcen the forecastle and the bridge house and glue platfonn 56 on them. Fold ventilators 57 in half, bend Ihc tabs outwards and glue on deck lt direetJy bchind the forecastle. Gluc vcnliIators 58 on deck 11 around the pumping station. Gluc conc 60 from above into tubę 59 and close il with disc fil. Glue the w hole on the pumping station on the IcfL Glue venlilalor 62 on the pumping station on the righl. 63-69 Equipment of the bridge house deck. Glue part 63 as a franie, close with part 64 and glue on deck 19. Gluc pairs of davits 65* bend the tabs outwards and gluc on deck 19. Cut out boals 66, bend, from above gluc dises 67 and place rcady boatson deck 19 Iłetween the davits. Roli water tank 68 as a tuhe and gluc. Close Ihc ends with dises 69 and gluc Ehe tank on the whcclhousc. The tank is placcd crosswisc towards the longitudinal axis of the sliip.

70-76 Equipmcnt of the forecastle deck. Asscmblc w ind lass 70 and glue on deck 12. Asscmblc parts 71 as tubes. glue on either side of thcwindlass and close willi dises 72. Asscmblc ventilator 73 out of tlirce layers, bend che tabs and gluc near to the wjndlass on the Iclt. Gluc venlilators 74-76 on deck 12 acc. to the assemhly drawing.

77-95 Bguipmcnt of the poop. Asscmblc tank 77, 78 and glue on deck 26 bctwcen the funncl and the skylight. Asscmblc ventilators 79-82 and glue on deck 26 - ventiIators 79 in front of the funncl, 80 on either side and 81 bchind the skylight. Mitke a mast out of slick A, gluc strip 82 in upper side and gluc disc 83 from abovc. Fasten lioom B by meons of bent part 84. Asscmblc a winch out of parts 85-89 and C according to Fig. 2. Gluc rcady winch on deck 13 bctwcen the dcekhouses, Glue ventilators 90,91 on deck 34 (vcntilator 90 on llic side of bow*). Form stccring column out of stiek D, gluc whccls 92 on botli sides and place the whole on deck 34. Gluc davils 93 in pairs and place on deck 13. Hang boats 94, 95 by means of threads.

96-99 Masts. Asscmblc forc mast out of stiek (paltem E) and place iL in theopening in deck 11 and in platform 56, Fasten boom F by mcans of part 96. Form tuhe 97, from below close with disc 98 and glue rcady crow’s nest to the mast acc. to the assembly drawing. Gluc part 99 under the nest. Place aft er mast G in the opening in deck 11 and platform 53. Place llagstalf H on the bow and I on the slcm. Glue davits J on deck II at the sides. To irnprovc the inodcTs appcarancc hang Lherigging and flags.


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