Spiral sti+ch A - o, 1 - i,
A - o, 2 - L.to 4 Charcoal
Stitch on winę sequin (use bead to secure) HEAD
Crossover Stitch ą 2-o, 9-i,
10-o, 3-i,
4 - o, 11 - i,
12 - o, 5 - i... around to 4 Turguoise_
BREAST Spiral stitch A - o, 1 - i,
A - o, 2 - i,
A - o, 3 - i.... B-o, 1-i,
B - o, 2 - i,
B - o, 3 - i.... Silver thread STOMACH C-o.l-i,
C - o,2- i... Miss stitch 7 C - o, 8 - o... Winę thread
Straight Stitch A-o,l-2-o,3-4-o,5-Continue to taił Turguoise thread
WINGS Spiral stitch Feathers A - o, 1 - i,
A - o, 2 - i...to 4 B - o, 4 - i,
B - o, 5 - i...
Continue along wing Turguoise
Fili between feathers (A..B, C..D, etc as shown) Silver
Repeat for second wing
Backstitch along spines Turguoise _
TAIŁ FEATHERS Crossover Stitch a-o, 4-i,
5 - o, a - i, c - o, 1 - i,
2 - o, c - i Repeat for each feather Turguoise thread
TAIŁ FEATHER: Straight stitch a-o, 1-i,
3 - o, b - i, c - o, 5 - i -next feather -1 - o, a - i, b - o, 3 - i,
5-o,c-i, repeat across feathers Silver thread
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Hummingbird Instructions BEAK Spiral sti+ch A - o, 1 - i, A - o, 2 - i...to 4 Charcoal Stitch on win?egna?ek7 47 47 44 * >flwou0 vc), aU ikwO ifelSŚH ittiacic <stqft ono również ch^to# # mmtObraz9 (25) "^•sikin, Krnoni,-,^ rOrodm,j. Uł*aźam * " JCS I Czlowirt* >ch to39516 Obraz9 (25) "^•sikin, Krnoni,-,^ rOrodm,j. Uł*aźam * " JCS I Czlowirt* >ch to498 Laufer: Ch. P. — to już z okresu pięciu lat od 1928 do 1928 stwierdzCrochet Borders7 Working to the corner group. Groups ofrepeated stitches on Round 2 of Border #3 arCrochet Borders 3 sts. Begin 5 sts to leftof comer sL Rnd 1: Ch 1, sc in same st ch 3, *[sc in next6 (1327) 7. Miejscem, z którego fale się rozchodzą nazywamy hipocentrum (ognisko, focus). 9. Sti Jes23875 White Christmas (8) SNOWFLAKE #19SNOWFLAKE #21 Ch 6, join with sl st to beginning ch to form aV-necks The finbiuul neckband wab t/u-center stitch on tof) Whether you want to show a linie morę deSlipped Stitches On WS, purl all stitches. Repeat Rows 1 to 28. PPl = put 1 st on cable needle behinzagadnienia egzaminacyjne z teorii literatury (152) s^=?=^=== , -./tt&sti&S*, j a JW& twięcej podobnych podstron