The finbiuul neckband wab t/u-center stitch on tof)
Whether you want to show a linie morę decollete, or wear an elegant blouse or a casual T-shirt underneath, V-necks offer every possibility.
For alt V-nccks, the number of stitches is alrcndy iinpormni rtghr after rhe ribhinjj. If you wam to work a single center stitch rhar comes up the front, you need an <xJJ number of stitches, winie you need an even number ot stitches tor 2 center stitches. It is aUo important ro lay thc paltem out corrcctly-Make surę that your basie pattern— whcthcr it is a textured partem, cablc pattern, or openwork pattern—i> mterrupted as lit tle as possible at the start of the V-neck.
You shouij funda mc nutlly work sekedge stitches in every row, :t wont be possible to pick the neckband stitches up neatly.
For thc slantcd edges, cvcn dccreases nre important. bor a neck-line that is a lltlle rounder towarJs rhe Kurom pan ot the V, you can decrcase cvcry other row 4 to 6 tintes. then every fourrh row. It you want to decrcase evcry third row. every other decrcase is worked in a rmv on thc wrong sidc of the work. This nteans that on thc right sidc <4 the necklinc. you putl 2 stitches togę the r, and on the left side of the necklinc you work a single m purl stitch (sec decrcasmg. pages
Tiie dccreases of thc necklinc stitches ar the tip of ih< V an workeJ every other round ot row, lor verv wide nccklincs. Ku narrow necklincs, they sKmld lv workeJ in evcry round. Ifdecreasing in every tound is too much, while dcc leasing every other round is not cnough.
alternatcly work 2 rounds with and 1 round without dccrcasing. The hinding'off round is nlways worked with decreases.
Neckband with Center Stitch on Top
For this neckband. you need an odd number of stitches lor the front. Put rhc center stitch on a safety pin and continue separately o\er the 2 skles of the front.
For the slantcd edge, on the right side work ro within J ot 4 stitches Itom thc end ol the row. then knit 2 srirches cogerher; on thc left side, work a single decrcase over thc sec-
IPut the center stitch on a safety pin. Catch a stitch on either side of the center stitch with the safety pin so that the pin docs not stretch out the stitch.
ond and third. or third and iburth. stitches.
When you pick up the neckband stitches. pick up 1 stitch on both siJcs of the center stitch. from the stitches next to u. and stmply slip the center stitch onto the nccJIe. Now work 1 round in the neckband pattern without dccreases. Make surę that thc center sritch is knit. not purlcd. Then work a double decrcase over the 3 stitches at the tip of the V, cvery round or evcry other round (drawing on page SI). Work the dccreases in the hinding-off round too.
2 Pick up 1 stitch on both sides of the center stitch, out of the stitches next to it, but just slip the center stitch onto the needle.