Kopia Crochetúntasy4 (30)

Kopia Crochetúntasy4 (30)

modo •. rep bom • to • 9 limes. ch 4. work t ctmtft' ol 2 tr. wortong f.mt hall-cÅ‚osed tr in cn-t tpace alrearty hoÅ‚oto 3C ]u»t madÄ™ stup noxl ch-1 spaco. work 2nd hall-closed tr in ncxl ch-1 spocÄ™ aiready holding ftist sc. ccmp-oto ciusta*. ch 4. st 61 tn ftrst sc to join (11 clu8ters‘ Rnd 6: Wim $J st got to top ol n«5t dustor. di 1. • sc m top ol cÅ‚uslor. Ch 4. w©fk 1 duSter ot 2 tr, wortdng flrst tr m top ot tamo dustor airoody hotdrng cc |ust modÄ™. and ?nu tr .n top cf next dusier. compioto chutor, ch 4 • rep bom • to • .iround (11 clusters) Rnd 7: With ai ot got to top ot trat clusiei ch 1. tsc. ch 5) mi oach dusÅ‚e* around 01 ch-5 toopit Rnd 8: • Tr m sc 4 tr in no*t ch-s loop. ch i • rop bom • to • around ttt ct>-1 speces) Rnd 9: Witn sl st pet to flrst ch-t spaco. ch 1 cc in ch-l spaco • ch 4 wor« i cÅ‚UStfir ol 2 Ir wortong iir« hoH closea lr m ch-l spaco abeady holding sc juist madÄ™ wotk 2nd half-dosod tr in next ch 1 tpace. com-ploto cluslar, ch 4 sc In samo ch-t %paco airoady hotomg 2nd tr ol clusiet jutl mada • rop bom • to • 9 times. ch 4 work 1 cÅ‚uslor Ol 2 tr. working hrtt hall-closed lr tn samo ch-t spnce airoady holding sc pist mado. work 2no lialf-deseo tr m noxt ch-1 spaco a lr narty holding Itrst sc ol rnd. compÅ‚ete cÅ‚usier. ch 4 si st m brat k lo jom (1t ctuÅ‚tere) Rnd 10: Rop Rnd (i Rnd II: Wita st st gol lo lop ol ftrst choler, eh t. tsc di 7) in oach ctiMlor around (11 ch-7 loops) Rnd 12: • 2 lr in sc. 0 lr In no*t eh-7 loop. ch 1 • rep from • tn • around (11

Ch 1 spacos) Rnd 13: Wilh s »t Hop llnÅ„ 4 lr, ch t. • sc bot tost skipped and nem tr. ch G sc m noxÅ‚ ch-1 spece, oh 6 Skip noxt 4 tr • rap tram • to • around. ending wflh ch 3. dc tn firnt cc Inntoed of test loop ot 6 ch (22 ch-6 loops) Rnd 14: Ch 1. (ac ch 6) m ooch ch-fi toop around. ondmg wtlh cn 3. dc ln rnst sc msiead ol test loop ol 6 ch (22 ch-0 Å‚oops) Rnd 15: Ch 1. (sc. ch 6) In each ch-6 loop around (22 ch-6 loops) Pastan od.

FinÅ‚shlng: Make Hongmg Loop and Clipper Mm# as for Be* A Stitlon 8e0 and wrw on Ciappcr samo o» lor Beil A.

Dewgnod t>y Jo«n Gliss


30 • Cnooer R***ast • O 4 uucn 2002


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