Living in Japan,

Living in Japan,


o Winter


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(September, October, November)

The weather is usually at its best in the fali, with the exception of a few typhoons in September. Blue fali skies. referred to as akibare tl) make October a great time to travel around Japan to take in all the fali han est festi-vals.

The first snów in Hokkaido and the lirst snów on top of Mt. Fuji — begin-ning of October — are reported as nation-al events.


(December, January, February)

The spring, fali. and summer seasons are quite similar throughout Japan — a little cooler in the north and a little hotter in the south. But winter is a different story. Northern winds blow in from Siberia bringing heavy snów and bliz-zards on the Sea of Japan coast. In Hokkaido, you'd think you were in Alaska, with four meters of snów (about 13 feet). But in Okinawa in the south. you may only need a sweater.

:• -rtry {haiku, 17-syIIa-Tcrs (any good letter '-jts i the switch from "ith the seasons), four seasons).

-    -fe. July, August)

fc- * -aizer forecast for almost

-    - are ind July — rain. The

' -- baiu or tsuyu (f$ - never stop.

“.be ready for the

-    ''-Ot July through r> rangę between 30

nearh 100 per-:    feels like yotrre

i:cr A lot of the major : ~ summer evenings --eh morę bearable. c. wear casual yukata and businessmen r!- suit coats. Zansho

-    ^-"ribing the heat of

El El Q □ □ 13 D □ Q..........

Monthly Mean Temperaturę and Precipitation (1961-1990)


Temperaturę 20-2 21.7



100    Precipitation t ^

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mm Temperaturę    270 ^24.2


0 Precipitation











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Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Month 1 23456789101112 Tokyo

200    5.2 5.f


Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

»Chronological ScienlificTables" 2000    2000

Naha (Okinawa)

mm Temperaturę

100 -

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

16.016.3 200 Precipil


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