Living in Japan, 5

Living in Japan, 5

'Pog < loscr to Jnpan

v'»fj in Japan

1’yi iplu (0 2001 by Andy I). Pani >lislic<l in Japan by ASK Co., Lid. rijdiis rcserved

Pilr| of Ihis book may be rcproduccd in any manna whatsocvcr wilhoui icss written permission cscept in tlić casc of bricl' quotations embodied m ,Ci,l orlic los and rcvicws. Kor inlbrmation. address ASK Co., Ltd., 2-6 nuimiyabi-cho, Sbinjuku-ku, fokyo, 162-8558, Japan

’k design by Masami Jimbo stralions by I liroko Kobayasbi

llnR by Charles I Wbipplc, I liroko K agoyama. and Musako lijima ervised by Prof. Kaorn Kobayasbi (Sanno Onivcrsity) pi»Hl printmg by SIIINANO CO.. L I I).

N 4-87217-064-4 og in Japan

infomiation includcd is availablc as of Pcbraaiy 2001.

Publisher cnnnot be rcsponsiblc lor any subsequent changcs in said inlbmalion. edilion, Mareb 2001

:°d in Japan


Foreword    7

Section 1 General Information

Profile of Japan ..................................................................10

Weather and Climate............................................................12

National I lolidays ...............................................................14

Section 2 Daily Life in Japan Parł I Livi ng

Setting up Mouse in Japan ...................................................IN

I Iow to Be a Happy Camper................................................20


Japanese-Style Houses.........................................................24

Earthquakc Readiness .........................................................26

Garbage Disposal ...............................................................2N

Public Services.....................................................................30

The Post office.....................................................................32

The Bank..............................................................................33


Health Insurance..................................................................35

Health Care ........................................................................36


SOS ....................................................................................40

Part 2 Eating

Feeling Hungry?..................................................................42

Out to Lunch........................................................................44

Kaiten-zushi ........................................................................46

Grocery Shopping ...............................................................4N

Simple Japanese Dishes ......................................................50


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