

MANY'famom ?novie slars arc lollipops, yet you can feel surprisingly ungainly at limes


YOITRE all boobs and legs, and while that may be many people’s idea of hcaven, those pcople are mostly men.

If your clothes sit i badly you can feel surprisingly awk-ward and self-con- | scious. What you should aim to achieve is to broaden your hips and shoul-dcrs and creatc fluid shapes. The volume of the shirt slceves and the width ol the bell-bottom trousers conspire to make your waist appear smaller, giving morę shape to the hips. A wide swcctheart neckline is the ultimate shape for broaden-ing shoulders and giving you an instant breast reduction.


THERE is so much twist-ing and tuming in the shape of this outfit that it could trans-form an iron bar into an S-bend. The bclt. being black łike the top, pulls in the waist without interrupting your out-line. The sleeves add extra shape. blossoming around the cuft. Although we don’t recom-mend a high neckline if you have a big bust, this top works beautifully because the upper part has a sheer panel to break up the chest area. The slightly flarcd skirt provides swishy hip movement so you can wiggle as you walk.


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