





It was hot in* Arizona, burnt out, dry. But Sherry was singing at the Green Lantern, and Nick Banning had found a job that looked as if it weren’t going to ask too much of him—perhaps.

The Countess De Anza had hired him. She was an odd countess, tense, skinny, hung about with tur-quoise jewelry, and around her neck she wore a king snake. The Countess had hired Nick as a haildy man on the rancli.

“I don’t deny we need a handy man/’ her husband admitted. He was as strange a count as his wife was a countess. “I just doubt whether our friend here would be liappy with all his duties.”

It turned out that the Counts fears were justified. But Nick had little choice. He wanted to be near Sherry, even if she didn’t want him near her.

Man Dhowning is a story of vio-lence, in the sunbaked, mirage world of the American desert. It is a taut, moving story of men and women whose emotions and desires outran the Controls society so wisely demands.

No. 9161


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