Fredric Brown, author of Death Has Mani/ Doors, says of MAN DROWNING:
“Reading this novel is as frighten-ing an experience as being in a run-away car on an endless steep hiH, a car that gathers relentless momen-tum every foot of the way while your foot pushes against a useless brake pedał and your knuckles tum white and włiiter on the wheel. It is a powerful story beautifulltj written
Henry Kuttner was born in Los Angeles in 1914. Ile bas been writ-ing (sometimes under the pseu-donym of Lewis Padgett) in a variety of fields sińce 1939, except for a period with the Medical Corps of the Army.
He once wrote a fan letter to a C. L. Moore, whose writing lie admired. The C. turned out to stand for Catherine and the fan manied her.
Mr. and Mrs. Kuttner now live on the campus of the Universitv of Southern California, wliere they ave botli attending classes. He is working toward a degree in Eng-lish and psychology.
No. 9162
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