metodyka nursery rhymes07
PREPARAT10N_ 1 Read through the story* adapting it where necessary to suit your
2 Practise the board drawings, or make flashcards if you prefer. Board drawings have the advantage of being morę flexible, as you . . can add to them or rub parts out.
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1 Pre-teach any vocabulaiy you think necessary—for example, wolf, - bloWy straw, wood, bricks. If you tell the story in the past tense,
make surę the children recognize the past tenses of verbs such as bloWy buildy and run.
2 Explain to the children that you are going to tell them a story, but that you cannot speak (perhaps you have a very sore throat)! You can only use pictures and mime—they must try and guess what you are trying to say. Give them the title of the story.
3 Put up or sketch a picture and elicit some sentences from the children. Use gestures such as nodding, shaking your head, or making a puzzled or encouraging face to correct them until you have got morę or less what you wam. Get one or two children to repeat the sentence.
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