The TARDIS is coughr in rhe grovito?ionol field of o dark star. The Doctor and Bernice ore forced to evocuole, ond find ihemselves stronded in medievol Fronte - o brutal time of crusodes ond wors of succession.
As the Albigension crusode drows to its bloody condusion, men inflict savage brutolities on eoch other in the name of teligion.
And the TARO IS (rew find their lim intertwined with worring Templats, crusoders ond heretics. While the Oocfor begins a murder investigotion in o besieged fortress, Bernice finds herself drown to on embittered mercenory who hos modÄ™ the heretics' fight his own. And they both realize that to leave history unchonged they may hove to sacrifice for morÄ™ thon their lives.
full-length, originol novels bosed on the longest running science-fiction television series of oll time. the BBC's Doctor Who. The New Adventures toke the TARDIS into p r e v i o u s I y unexplored reoims of space ond time.
David A. Mdntee hos written two previous books in the New Adventures series - White Dorkness ond First Frontier - both of which were extremely popular with reoders.
ISBN 0-426-20439-5
Cover design: Slatter-Anderson
Science fiction/TV tie-in