P half half P0 half P1 half P0 P1

P half half P0 half P1 half P0 P1

P(lA)=YA+lAPi = lA<Ą+Pi)


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Urcr* gb«^a M*p* wwau >vin
M half P0 P1 M=%(P0+ą)
Area P0P1P2 cross v w half short Area(AP0 P1 P2) =
rekin )) i J Fold in half    © Fold to meet the center I ine Q p0
Area P0P1P2 perp 10 20 half Area(AP0 ą P2) = > [(ą - P0) 1 (P2 - P0)]
Ewolucja Zbroi 436 HALF ARMOK 1^501675 LATii ĄtlMOI JfilO CO(lf>LETE ARMOil LATE XV
image001 Itelk half twr»<4, l.ftieg k«« l<»«W tece te Ceurt
image007 THOUSANDS INSURED FOR $1.00 A MONTH Ono-Half Regular ttato First ft Yr^—PeHcy Mallncl for F
00365 m2e8679c0886ed1125ed5bcd4590b4c 369 Regret Indices and Capability Quantification a power of 2
img067 Datę. Name.Half Sit-Up with Obligues-Spinal Stability Starting Position: Sit correctly on bal
img087 Standing Chapter 8 Bali Sideways Half Squat and Lift-Standing 8:6 Squat and Lift-Standing Sid
img091 Datę_ Name.Half Squat and Lift-Standing    8:6 Starting Position: Keeping spin
KIF96 r^n8. a r cn<*«ngofft v °f iwo ,{*etcr. Two p,>r this  ‘cs Whitc, ochcr hałf

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