m c+29+ +40

m c+29+ +40


Sr/r :(t mt».

MATERIALS : Fłearl crochci collon no 5. aboui 3 1/2 oz cach whitc und

rec.    Steel crochci hooks sizes 0 and (K>. 8 smali red bullons. aboui 1/2" n diameier.

SllTCUKS UShD:Single crochei. I la l double crochci. Cnib st (work v 1‘rorn Icfl (o njrhi instcad ol troin righi to leHj.

GA UGE \ 4 ' sq test piccc 23 sis .ind 18 row*. in hdc usingsizc CO honk. ir ymi do not nbtain Ihis gauge. lr> using larger or smallcr hook.

Ti'• W -IKf r-Shartsback: Willi .smallcr hook and wbite ch 50. Work 1 rows in sc. thon sliapc butlonlioles as follows 12 sc. 2 ch. 5k 2 sc. 22 sc. 2 ch. sk 2 sc. 12 sc Work 13 rows in sc. cliange to largcr hook and red Work 9 row- in bdc after inc 4 sis cvlmiIv disrnbutcd in row 1 Cont willi 9 rows wbite. 9 rows red, 3 rows whitc, 0:i ncxi n:iw (While) work across 1'irst 23 sts. After completing 9th while row. luster nff Compictc sccond ude to corre-spond. Jeaving 8 sts m comerunworkcd fur cuitcli. Shnrisfruni Work same as lor bacie.

F1SISHING Se w sidc. leg and crotcl* scams Work I rncl in crab si a ronin: cach leg.

TJ)T BM k : With smallcr hook ano whitc ch 50. Work 14 tuws in se Changc tolargcrhook and work 9 rows

red.    9 rows wbite in hdc. When pióęe mcasuro (T front bcg. Ienvc 5 sls or cach sidc unworked (keep altemaiing to or-»> Wlicn piece mctisures 9 1/4" frnm beu. shapi- neck : lcave i»» sts ir centa unworked. in next rnw dcc 5 stson each ncck edge When piece mea-sures 9 I/?" frnm heg fasten oITcadi shoulder scpamtely.

TUP FJtOłfT Work same as lor ruick When p ece mctisures8 1/'Tirom heg. \hapc nr k Lcavecenlei 10 sts unworked. eon: working on one sicie unly Dcc 2 Łis lwice I si once cvcry row on ncck edge. Compictc 2rui sidc to cor-rcipond When piece measures 9 I/2" fmm bcg. fasten alf SLEEVnS . Scw fn>nt and back of lup logcihcr .ii sho.ildcrs. allowirg 3/5T for seam. Uross ennre armhole opening wrnł. 40 sts in red, cori working in hdt or S rows. Changc !o while, work 8 rows ;n hdc. fi ni.i h wiih I row in crab st.




XF.CKll4X!) With smalić: hook and •wil le, work 5 rows m sc across ncck edge uf tup back. Rep across ncck edue of lup front

RWISHING Rcmou* senni threads hom shoulcler.-.. work 2 ch lp> in front ęAOuldcrs fot buitonlioles.sew on twu hutlons. on back shoulders. Sew sidc ssamś of lop. Scw iwo bullons on front and Iwo on back ol lowcr edge cf T-shin to correspond to buium-hilcs iń pnnts


r«UNi ano BACK


7 14-

* 3 \n



3 3'8—•-— 3 3/8*

i i/a-

I 1/2-

pl 3.a- r l 3 J

_Ą. t 3JA'


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