YOUR wocs lic around your aaddle-bags. But your top half is hard to/ault. BEST CASUALLOOK
THE name of the Ramę is broadening your shoulders lo balancc those saddlebaRS. You are relatively fiat-chcsted. so you can get away with higher cut tops than your busty Vase and Hourglass cousins. A slashcd neckline hełps to Rive the impression of coathanger shoulders. Or use puffcd sleeves lo add vital inchcs.
Your legs are sliort in comparison to your body. Wearing layered tops helps to break up the Iength ofyour torso. thereby rebalancing your proportions. Wearing trouser to the floor is essential to maximum leg extension.
Do everythlng possible to keep our attention away from those dreaded saddlebags. Tight. clingy trousers cause them to stick out like a pair of joke ears. so make surę your trousers are wide enough and m a fabric heavy enough to skim over your thighs. Be surę there are no side pockets to strain or bulge. Finally, your trousers should be in th darkest coloiu- ofyour outftt.
A STRAPLESS dress is a wonderful thing for a Pear. In the eveningyou can wear it with a drop-dead gorgeous neck-laee to spotUght your top half and for daytime you can dress it down with a T-shiri or full-slecvcd blouse under-neath. The stiff, flared skirt does a terTific Job of disguising wide hlps.
One of your main indulgences should be a collection of amazing coats. We are not talking coats to keep olllhe rain; we mean coats you can wear indoors or out in licu of a jackct or. sometimes. can even be worn as a dress. Coats that have a narrow lapel to broaden your shoulders. coats that are three-quarter or knee-length to cover your saddlebags.