why your nexł speaker system shou/d be



Only Audax incorporates the Patented Parafie* Foam Suspen-tion to give longer travel to the cone, resultmg in honest bass without boom or hangover. You get bass with real bottom!


Radio Sliack Corporation, 730 Com-monwcalth Avc.. Boston 17. Mass. has rccently introduced a stcrco-adaptcd public-address amplifier as its Model PA 30/60.

This new unit in the company's “Realistic” linę features two micro-phone and one phonograph channels

sturdy satin-black plastic case wdth an acoustically designed gold anodized aluminum grille, the unit comes com-pletely assembled and ready to hook up.

New Styrofoam Radial Strut-Bracing reinforces cone, assures rigid piston action, preventing cone break*up. Eliminates distor-tion, provides clean reproduction up to the futl-rated power output. Needs as Httle as 10 watts output. You get greater amplifier economy in stereo mstaltations.

New Oriented Graln-Processed Magnet gives 20% morę efficiency than standard Alnico Y

New Oucted*S(ot Enclosure spe-cifically designed to enhance the depth and striking reatism of the Parafie* high-compliance speaker units. Speakers are located sym-metricatly on each side of the ducted slot. resulting in clean bass without tracę of boom or unnat* ural heaviness.

New, dramatic enclosure styling by George Nelson — featuring new. three-dimensional Oynel •Acoustiscreen'* grille. removabte for cleaning!

Audax Parafie* Speakers are lab-tested and a performance seal on each unit indicates its reso* nant frequency ± 1 cycle.

and is rated at 30 watts. Separate solume. bass. and treble Controls per-mit input blending and continuous tonę variations over a wide rangę. Four im-pedances are available. including one constant-voltage tap for speaker matching. This 117-volt a.c. amplifier has an auxiliary power receptacle plus an additional pług and receptacle for operation by an external 6- or 12-volt d.c. power supply.

The company will supply complete specifications and prico on this new amplifier upon reąuest.


Genoal Electric Company, West Genesee St., Auburn, N. Y. has just introduced a newdy designed series of stereo-magnetic cartridges which has been designated the VR-22 Series.

Major improvements in the essential areas of stereo performance—response. separation, compliance. and freedom from hum—have been achieved with this new series, according to the company.

The VR-225 has a frequency response of 20 to 20.000 cps ±3 db; up to 30 db channel separation; lateral compliance of 4 x 10 “ cm/dyne and vertical compliance of 2.5 x 10*“ cm/dyne. Recom-mended tracking force is 2 to 4 grams.


Madei CA-IO ir I ir I 24" with uo fuli r*|e łpeakers—JSS.W

Mddel CA-100 1S” i ir i 25" wita U o 10” fuli rance JPeakers and 2 malcninc cone iweeien— SfJf.tS


Lafayette Radio, 165-08 Liberty Ave.t Jamaica 33. N. Y. has announced the availability of a new “super tweeter” which is bcing marketed as the “Spher-icon” SK-131.

The unit is equipped with a built-in 3000 cps crossover network and is said lo provide smooth linear response from

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It uses a .5 mil diamond Stylus and is intended for use with Professional turn-table systems.

The VR-227, for record changer and turntable application, uses a .7 mil diamond Stylus. Frequency response is 20 to 17,000 cps ±3 db; up to 30 db channel separation; 3x 10-* cm/dyne lateral compliance and 2 x 10““ cm/dyne ver-tical compliance. Recommended tracking force is 5 to 7 grams.

Replaccment styli will be available for both models but are not inter-changeable wdth previous stereo cartridges madę by the company.



Write for free catalog and specifications. to: AUDAX 0ivision of the RekOKut Co.. Inc. Oept.EW-10.19 lOSth St, Corona 68. N. Y.



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3000 to beyond 40.000 cps ± 1 db from 3000 cps to su personie frequencies.

An advanced-design phenolic domed diaphragm radiates a sound pattern of 120 degrees in ałl directions. vortically as well as horizontally. Power capacity is 30 watts. The unit is designed to be used with any 4-16 ohm speaker without need of an L-pad. Housod in a



Radio Corporation of America. Cam-den, N. J. has unvei!ed its stereophonic tape cartridge player and announced the availability of approximately 150 tape cartridges to be used wdth the instrument.

The cartridges will carry up to an hour of stereophonic musie, both popular and classical. An assortment o. 16 cartridges are in the hands of dealers now and an additional 50 titles will be available by Christmas. The cartridge. a plastic magazine 5"x7"xl,fc", is in-



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