£toning 0'«fl
£toning 0'«fl
This ov0fskirt can be attached to any sJim-lin* skirt or dress
Model a strapless dress and taper the skit crashcally to the 8nkle. Leave the centro back seam open Make the ovor$k>rt separately before joining it to the cenire back underskirt seam above the walkmg split.
Work on the cowl pnnciple. turning under a deep 1ac*ng and allcwing the fdes to fali at the centre front. In smali stfes a s ng e width of fabne on the $Tfd>ght grain is enough
The beauty of this over$kia <s the aoserce of side seams which would break the flow of the folds. The gathers are supported in the single centre back seam which may bo lo<t exposed or covered by a sash.
Fabne cut on the cross reguires seammg A split is necessary for waUing room in t»th the underskirt and the Oversk>rt.
The uppor edge of the overskirt fa Is independently of the underskid and is goyerned by the shepe of the body The lower part of the oversk rt floets over the underskirt hem