
lnnovation in Plated Circuitry

Motorola plug-in board with "road map" features reliability, may be serviced in or out of the set.


WITH ONE NEW model being intro-duccd this fali using a plated-circuit board. Motorola abandons its position of relying exclusively on conventional chassis wiring in its TV receivers. Ac-cording to Karl Horn. chief TV dcvclopmcnt engineer. the manufac-turer feels the new board not only ovcrcomcs objections generally raiscd


Con b# intfoMed in doth or undor doth ot dotirod!

The## •t o trim plot# kit for YOUt CAR I



• VIBRATOR-OPERATED with Tonę Control

The ATR Cusfomized Korodio it o compoct, new, self-contoined oirplone-stylcd rodio for smoli import ond compoct American cors. This economical unit is perfect for oll smoli cors becouse it con be eosify ond inex-pensively instolled in-dosh or under-dosh on most ony make or model outomobile—ond its powerful 8-fube performance proyides remorkoble freedom from engine, stolic, and rood noises. ATR Koradios ore built to look ond fit like originol equipment with sleek, modern styling ond solid, single-unit construction. They offer mony customized feotures ond provide highest quolity fidelity—yet cost for less thon comporobfy designed units. The ATR Customized Korodio comes complet# with speoker ond reody to instoll . . . ond is the ideol woy to odd fun ond volue to your smoli import of Americon outomobile!


Fig. 1. Rear of set using the new board. which carries 80 lo 85% of ihe circuitry.

against printed boards but provides advantagos over conventional wiring.

Used only in one 17-inch receiver at the outset, the board was designed with two factors chiefly in mind: re-jiability and serviceal)ility. As to reliability: the chassis board has extra thickncss. uses a new materiał, and is rc-inforced with Fibcrglas. New plat-

ing materials are also being employed.

Sets using the design survivcd severe salt-spray. temperature-extreme. flex-ing. and overvoltage-life tests simulat-ing between 10 and 15 years normaI use. Temperaturę testing consisted of 20 cycles of immersion in a cold cham-ber (-40°C) for four hours. immcdi-ately followed by insert ion in a humidity chamber (85°C. 95 per-cent relative humidity) for 16 hours. After each cycle. the sets were run at room temperaturę for four hours.

As to serviceability. wiring is plated on both sides but all components, in-cluding about 80 to 85 per-cent of the receiver Circuit, are mounted on one side of the board. The lat ter is held horizontally at the bottom of the cabi-nct (Fig. 1). with good access. For convenience. color coding based on the standard EIA codę is used to identify all connections on either side of the board. so that tracing may be per-formed on only one side. Tubę type numbers are also engraved. Only tho three Circuit sections shown in Fig. 1. which aro also accessible. are mounted off the board.

By removing a few screws. the entire board may be lifted out of the cabinet (Fig. 2) for external scrvice. Doing this. however. breaks connections to the remainder of tho set normally mado through 30-odd contacts along one edge. However. the multiple con-nector strip that mates with the edge of the board may also be removcd by loosening two screws. Leads to it are sufliciently long to allow connection outside the cabinet for operational tests. The design also uses two mod-ules. Sondce "road maps" are pasted insidc the cabinet.    -Wr

Flg. 2. The board taken out of set. Removal is said to require 33 seconds.




ATR KARAOIO . . . ił ideał for smali import ’* ^    t cors or com>

poci American

E*    Cors! Unit is

campletely seff-contained — e*tremely compacll Con be mounted in-dash or undef-dash—wher-ever spocę permits! For 6 volt or 12 volt!




• Battery EJimimloo • DC-AC In*wtm • *««« Vibr*lers

9 Amirican Tuivision i Radio Co.

*    2n<xUitf    Sćh<c i93/





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