


The bones of the hand fossa manus) (see Figs 111, and 132-142) are divided into the carpal bones (ossa carpi), the meta-carpal bones (ossa metacarpalia), and the bones of the fingers or phalanges of digits of the hand (ossa digiłorum manus), i.e. the pha-langes of the fingers (phalanges digitorum).

Tuberositas phalangis distalis Corpus phalangis Basis phalangis

Phalanx distalis

Phalanx media

Phalanx proximalis


Caput phalangis



metacarpale I Corpus

Os trapezoideum


Hamulus ossis hamati

Os hamatum Os pisiforme

Os triquetrum

Oscapitatum Os scaphoideum

132. Bones of ńght hand (ossa manus); palmar surface (%).


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