Sew a christmas message 1

Sew a christmas message 1


caraboard as you cut it a little smaller.

7. Beginning in the lop left corner and using Green. work 3 stitches into łhe corner, going into the same spot eoch time in the backing telt as well as the canvas. You should not have to stitch through the

8. Work 7 stitches along the top edge. then work the next 5 stitches through a brass curtain ring. Continue to the end, furning the corner with three stitches. all in the same place in the backing telt as tor the first corner.

9. Work straight all down the side, turning the corner with 3 stitches as betore. Work along the bottom. inserting a brass curtain ring as you did along the top. Turn the last corner with 3 stitches and work straight up to the top. Fasten otf and sew in ends.

10. Do the same to the O panel, working the top row joining stitches into the ring at the base ot the J panel, and using a new ring at the base of the O.

11. Then add the Y panel in the same way.

12. Finish otf with a tassel madę trom strands of Green wool. hanging trom the bottom ring.


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