Taenia LifeCycle

Taenia LifeCycle

AoncospfKjres dovelop tnto cysticcrci m muscl©

Q Humans mfected by ingestmg v raw of undercooked infecled meat

T sayma/a T soliwn

Ą= Infectwe Stage Ąs Di3gr>o$lic Stage

Eggs or gravid proglottids m feces and passed mto erwironment

http://www.dpd cdc.gov/dpdx

Oncospheres hatch. peootrate mtestmal wali. and arcuiate to musculature


Całtle (T s&ginata) and pigs (T sofit/m) become mfected by ingesting vegetation contaminalod by eggs <*f gravtd progtoKids

* ft


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